A frightful walk home from work.

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GCSE ENGLISH                  


I was surrounded by total silence, walking down the stairs after finishing early from work. I speedily ran so that I could be the first one out the doors as there was ten more minutes till other employers were going to race down those stairs.

I came out onto the street car park. As I crossed the road, I noticed the pavements lined by hazy streetlamps and as I felt the icy, frost, air as it slowly transformed my hand into a cold blue. I could feel the coldness already running through my body on the frosty winter’s night.

I could hear as I turned the corner, the different types of cars which revved and purred smoking petrol fumes which were coming from the exhaust behind one, I didn’t enjoy the sounds I heard and I covered my ears and wished I didn’t hear them. I remained standing there waiting for the bus to arrive, for hours it seemed, I stood there frozen in the blistery cold. I silently observed the traffic wardens, as let everyone leave the car park at 10pm. Others hurried towards me, anxious for the bus to arrive so they too could be bound for home.

The bus approached its stop; a lot of people were trying to get on as the company I worked for was large. I awaited my turn to come and as I hunted a fifty pence piece in my pockets. As I set foot on to the bus, I smelt the strong and intoxicating, alcoholic drink which some teenagers had been pouring down there throats, I also felt as I walked, the disgusting rubbish that was left on the floor  

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I inserted the money and dragged out my ticket. As the sickening smell continued I sat down at the front and set my eyes on a Metro newspaper. I captured a beer can rolling in between my feet.  It was a time-consuming bus ride and it worried me. I finally reached the shopping centre where my stop was located at. I felt relieved and glad that I was going to be out of this awful bus in a no time.

I came out of the bus and looked around me and noticed all the shops which all had ...

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