A ghost's shadow

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A ghost’s shadow

An obscure gloom and an ice cold were penetrating the streets, as suspicious isolated figures sporadically passed through. Sounds of moaning police sirens echoed through the desolate roads and the polluted stench left over from rush hour traffic blew gently in the breeze.

My stomach roared as I sat in my leather armchair drowsily gazing out of the frosted window, the question “when will dad come home?” kept on repeating itself in my mind. Painfully, I thought of my last meal in school, out of date bread, butter turned into oil, and chicken as hard as rubber. Even the thought of that meal made my mouth water.

Desperately trying to push my thought away from the intense throbbing, I stared at various objects in the room and think about them as I always do. The humongous checked curtains hung from a thin wooden rod behind the ancient computer, which in my opinion was almost as big as the curtains. Gazing at the immense pile of junk scattered over the desks, ranging from plastic bags to my old practice papers which where never completed, I returned to the computer and continue slaving over my English coursework, still trying frantically to think after hours.

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I was startled by the phone chiming as loud as a church bell. Almost shaking in shock, I picked it up.

“Hello?” I muttered

“Hi Andrew, its dad,” I could barely hear his muffled voice over the piercing noise- an ear-splitting hum of some sort. “I’m just coming back from my out of town meeting and will be home in about fifteen minutes. Have you eaten dinner?” he asked, almost shouting over the telephone.

“No, I was hoping you could feed me” I mumbled disappointedly.

“Okay, I will be there as soon as I…” the phone fell dead; I ...

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