Animal Farm is a classic guide for a dictator's rise to power

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Nestor Chavez


IB English11

Ms. Lê

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Animal Farm:

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Q:        Animal Farm is a classic guide for a dictator’s rise to power. What are the methods used by Napoleon and the pigs in their takeover of animal farm? Give an example of how a similar dictatorship has happened in history besides the Russian revolution.

        Animal Farm, by George Orwell, can be read on three different levels. On its first level, it is an entertaining story about farm animals and their cruel overseers. Very young children can understand and enjoy the story at this level. On its second level, it is an allegory representing the Communist takeover of Russia in 1917 and the subsequent perversion of the idealistic goals of the revolutionaries. On its third level, Animal Farm is an allegory representing any movement and the persons in that movement that goes crooked because of the corrupting lure of power. This has happened repeatedly throughout history. The leader of Animal Farm, Napoleon, can be related to many different people of power such as the most recent: Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro, Adolph Hitler, etc. The other characters of the novel, Animal Farm can be seen as more characters in real life other than in the Russian Revolution. The methods used by Napoleon and the pigs in their takeover of Animal Farm were similar to other methods used in real life.

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        Napoleon starts his taking over of the farm slowly but surely. First he starts by agreeing with the most popular and godly figure/leader, Old Major. Him and his partners, Snowball and Squealer all work together. Napoleon starts to plan ahead in his conquering of Animal Farm. He begins by securing his own safety/defense and offense. He notices that Jessie and Bluebell were having puppies so he takes them to brainwash and use for him self. He took the puppies and had Squealer convince the mother that she should be honored to have her puppies chosen. Saddam Hussein was especially known ...

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