Car Insurance For Teenagers Is Too High

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Teenage Shock As Car Insurance Continues To Escalate

It may come to your attention that the vast increase of car insurance is becoming financially catastrophic.  Hopefully you, as the insurance paying parents of your beloved teenage son/daughter will consider my pessimistic attitude towards insurance premiums as I reveal true facts and opinions during this article, facts that merely disgust me as I hope to change the stereotype towards how society perceives the modern day teenagers as ‘teenage boy racers.”

In the 1980’s, car insurance was roughly £160 for each 17 year old driver once they had passed their test. Compared with today, this is considered ‘peanuts’; 17 year old drivers who’ve now passed the law required driving test are expected to pay a minimum of an exorbitant £5000 on a car that is just as old as my grandfathers pair of slippers! However, research has suggested to us that there are few teenage drivers involved in accidents.

Statistics show that ‘teenage male drivers account for 1.4% of accidents’; almost one in 5 driver’s teenage drivers ‘cause an accident’ in their first years of driving. However, what about that other 4/5? Why should we allow these small minority of idiot boy racers, effect the chances of the rest of the teenage youth the opportunity to drive a car and offer the chance to change the stereotype that the older generation has of us? Drivers aged between 17-24 accounted for 44% of accidents in 2002, whereas drivers aged between 25-50 accounted for the other 56%, causing almost a significant balance; so I end up finding myself asking the question why young people aged 17-24 are having to endure car insurance quotes that are almost 10 times as costly as those aged 25-50! As we can imagine, students of these ages will more tha likely be in education and so are still being funded by their parent/guardian, which is why i am writing to express my views to you now, as the insurance payer.

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60% of guardians of children aged between 17-24 say they cannot afford the car insurance; this astonishing figure is increasing by an average of 3% every year. Astoundingly, only one quarter of parents couldn’t afford car insurance for their child, whereas now this scenario is more than half.

False stereotypes suggest teenage drivers are “Dangerous” and “Irresponsible” mostly aimed at young male drivers regardless of their background, education, environment and personality. You – as a youth - are labelled by a naïve society as a “boy-racer” and as figures suggest earlier, 60% of this population cannot afford the opportunity to ...

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