Compare and contrast the different moods and themes created in Out, Out-and Disabled

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Compare and contrast the different moods and themes created in ‘Out, Out-‘and ‘Disabled’


In ‘Disabled’, Wilfred Owen a war veteran tells the story of a young soldier who returns from war and realizes how dissimilar his old life is to his new ne where he is disabled both mentally and physically despite the fact that his mind may seem unaffected by past traumas the reader will begin to understand the subtle hurts that have slowly damaged him. In contrast, the story of ‘Out, out-‘ is of a boy completing his everyday chores, sawing wood, in the backdrop of the Vermont mountains. He accidentally cuts his hand off and he succumbs to death despite a doctor’s aid. Robert Frost’s poem on the human condition and the short life span doomed for all humans is similar to Owen’s‘Disabled’ in that the point that one apparently small decision has the ability to affect and have an enormous influence on that person’s identity and life. The soldier’s choice to enlist for the war then caused him to lose a leg and impacted him so drastically that he now views the world differently moreover the vividness of his former life has drained away ‘down shell-holes’ and his experiences are thus dull and meaningless. Whereas, in ‘Out, out-‘ the poem’s continuity also generates the effect of sudden death with the normal day to day routine of the boy serving to further intensify death’s wiliness and how it can come to you when least expected. The nostalgia and sadness for the lost childhood and innocence that the boy and soldier had thrown away is, furthermore, a key characteristic of the two poems and instill and sense of melancholy and pity in the reader. The world’s indifference present at the boy’s death and the soldier’s deformities display to the reader how humans are more inclined to abhor the different and to ignore the tragic. The soldier’s life has radically been altered as well as his perception of life while the boy’s gruesome death is distinguished from the calm setting where his innocence is lost and his life is damaged. Owen’s and Frost’s exploration of the pathos evoked and relayed to the reader for the child and the soldier’s wrong opinion on war emphasizes the reader’s experiences as well. The soldier’s expectation are let down and he loses his former life. Therefore he asks himself the eternal question for he has nothing else left to live for only waiting ‘Why don’t they come and put him to bed? Why don’t they come?’


The pathos induced in the reader at the child’s unexpected death and the soldier’s erroneous assumption that war glorious is a prime feature of both ‘Disabled’ and ‘Out, out’ The soldier had believed that war would be magnificent but he however returns home unheroic and shunned by other ‘whole’ people. His perception of life and his view of war have been affected radically by his wrong choice. The young soldier had initially been caught up in an elaborate dream with ‘jeweled hilts for daggers in plaid socks’ and also of ‘smart salutes, and care of arms; and leave; and pay arrears.’ And yet, as he comes to understand, these are all illusions he managed to trick and commit his self to. The wonderful war image that he had formed in his childhood is soon changed and his high hopes contrast with the short, blunt reality where he will ‘spend a few sick years in Institutes, and do what the rules consider wise’. We, as the audience, feel pity and sympathy for him as his anticipation is let down and he is ultimately disappointed. Furthermore, there is a shocking realization that all he had held true as a child when he ‘liked a blood smear down his leg’ and ‘thought he’d better join’ was proved to be wrong by his experiences and the reader feels the urge to give him some small measure of comfort that he is deprived of now due to his deformities and he ‘noticed how the women’s eyes passed fro him to the strong men that were whole.’


Similarly, in ‘Out, out’ the reader feels pathos at the painful way the child must have died. The saw ‘as if to prove saws knew what supper meant, leapt out at the boy’s hand’ This is an example of vivid imagery that enables us to feel the events occurring and to comprehend all of the emotions and sensory overload in the scene, and thus we suffer along with the child as well. Some foreshadowing of his death is evident in the repetition of ‘snarled and rattled’ hinting at the imminent death and also the pain that will be experienced, which produces a more intense reaction from the reader, who feels a measure of grief and sympathy when they realize something and is about to occur whereas, ironically, the boy is still unknowingly completing his normal routine, unsuspecting. His terrified, angry and panicky voice when he screams ‘Don’t let him sister!’, in addition makes he reader feel increased empathy and pity for his plight. As he to such an extent that he is unable to organize his thought and feels pure terror.  He will lose his family as well as miss out on all the beautiful things in life that he yet to understand and feel –such as the calm vista at the start of the poem and all the ‘;sweet scented stuff’ as well as the ‘five mountain ranges…. Under the sunset far into Vermont’. The persona’s strength of feeling and compassion, that he wished they might have ‘called it a day…to please the boy’ deepens and intensifies the regret and wretchedness of the scene because it suggests that I the day had ended early then the boy might not have died so brutally. The melancholy and longing for what could have been is highlighted and this makes the death the most poignant moment of the poem.

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The pleading and beseeching manner of the boy in ‘Out out’ when he ‘swung toward them holding up the hand half in appeal but half as if to keep the life from spilling’ augments the desperate atmosphere and instills pathos . In addition the persona is speaking directly to the audience in ‘I wish’ and this implies that the loss was also personal. This special and particular touch serves to make to boy seem much closer to us and we begin to know and understand his person. This manages to involve us and by doing this thus makes the ...

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