Compare and contrast the poem London by William Blake and William Wordsworth's poem Composed upon Westminster Bridge.

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Wordsworth and Blake essay

In this essay I intend to compare and contrast the poem London by William Blake and William Wordsworth’s poem Composed upon Westminster Bridge.

The poems are written from two very different perspectives. William Blake’s poem London is about a lifetime of London and is very negative he puts London out to be ugly depressing and very much in despair he tells us of prostitutes and very depressed people.  Where as William Wordsworth’s poem Composed upon Westminster Bridge is very positive. Wordsworth’s poem gives out the impression of London as a beautiful spectacular city. Wordsworth was a visitor to London and therefore his poem is about only a small snapshot of the city, when it is very quiet and at sunrise, his view is from Westminster Bridge from which the back streets prostitutes etc cannot be seen.

William Wordsworth was born in the Lake District and travelled around Europe he was a visitor to London. The poem is an expression of his feelings he tells us about the beauty of London without the smoke filled air and how the beauty of the ships, towers, domes, theatres and temples is now unspoiled.

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William Blake was born and lived in London; he was a very religious man, a politically minded person and a mystic who was reputed to have visions. The poem London is an expression of his sadness, anger and despair for the population of London, he tells us of the prostitutes and the children which are chimneysweepers. Blake tells us of the goings on in London where as Wordsworth only tells us what he can see.

William Wordsworth’s poem is written as a sonnet, the octave is an elaborate description of his surroundings and what he can see. The sestet is ...

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