Compare the ways in which love is presented in pre-1915 poetry

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                          English coursework: Ashley Heard

      Compare the ways in which love is presented in pre-1915 poetry

In this piece of coursework I will be comparing six different poems (pre-1915) to see the ways in which love is compared and presented.

‘Porphyria’s lover’ written by Robert Browning the basic plot is a woman who has an obsessed lover who loves Porphyria deeply. The lover thinks that no one is good enough for her. And for some reason Porphyria cannot commit to her lover for reasons that are not stated in the poem.  It could be Porphyria has already got commitments or the lover does not want to be seen with her in public. The lover is deeply obsessed with her though still ‘I looked up at her eyes, happy and proud;’              

Although he is too obsessed and in a surprise whilst cuddling up to her grabs her hair ‘In one long yellow string’.  ‘I wound three times her little throat around’ then in a bizarre twist ‘strangled her’. He was to ensure she felt no pain he, did this because he thought she was too good for anyone and he was overwhelmingly obsessed. This poem has an element of surprise as you think they are having an obsessive affair when Porphyria’s lover just goes and kills her.

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Porphyria’s lover is a poem which is very much the same as the beggar woman written by William king is all about a beggar woman and a Gentleman. The Gentleman decided to lure the beggar woman into the forest in order to seduce her. The beggar woman went willingly but it becomes obvious from their conversation that she has an illegitimate child tied to her back. We presume that the gentleman is his father and he has taken to responsibility for the 'bastard´ child. The gentleman suggests that they make love but the beggar woman fears for the child’s safety. ...

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