(Descriptive Writing) Describe the sights and sounds of a market place
It was past 5:30pm and was almost getting dark. We had run down like hooligans which made us breath so heavily after we arrived. All the stalls were open now, lit with their lanterns, lamps and hanging bulbs that attracted a lot of mosquitoes and other flying insects. There were lots of pigeons on top of the opposite building and you could hear the constant cawing of the crows. We stood at the edge of the left hand side road as people passed by. The noises were very loud; people talking in all sorts of languages, the daily noise of traffic, constant horns of cars and buses. Both of us were a bit dazed with what we were actually sent down for and got back to work as it hit us.
First we walked by a women in an old yellow sari who was sitting on her plain mat on which she had laid out all her vegetables. She shooed the flies every now and then which sat on her vegetables. We glared at the list in my hand that read “4 good tomatoes and potatoes”. We hardly searched for the good ones the women was already set to it and asked us how many. Her hands were dark and wrinkly as you could see the faintly visible tattoo on her arm which kept reappearing as she picked out the best potatoes and tomatoes. She handed us the blue plastic bag in which she had just put the vegetables in. She smiled and you could see her wrinkly face twist and her broken brown teeth glow.
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This is a very good essay, requiring only a little editing to make it excellent. The simple narrative maintains interest and escorts the readers through a series of scenarios, effectively evoking the colour and bustle of the busy Indian market place. 5 stars