R S Thomas delineates Autumn and shows the elegance of it. It uses Autumn to describe the landscape. He says that the landscape is so magnificent that you should “take its photograph” R S Thomas wrote post 1920 poetry.
Now I will describe “Westminster Bridge”
This has a specific rhyme scheme. This makes it fun to read for the reader because it puts a rhythm in their head. When I first looked at the title I noticed that I couldn’t figure out what the poem was about because the title doesn’t have a message. But when I read the poem I quickly inferred that it was describing the scrutiny of a London scene from Westminster Bridge. The poem was set in the morning, “the beauty of the morning”. We can tell straight away that it was a very quiet day, “silent”.
It starts off by saying that without this wonder full view from the Bridge the “Soul” would be “dull”, “dull would be of soul who could pass by. A sight so touching in its majesty, this city now doth, like a garment, wear”.
“The beauty of the morning; silent bare”, this is another stanza that rhymes. It also projects the beauty of how the city looks, from the view of the Bridge, in the morning. It says that the city is soundless in the mornings and all it looks like is a body with an expensive piece of clothing on it.
The next two lines tells us the variety of different things that there is to offer in the city and how big the city is, “Ships, towers, doors, theatres, and temples lie, Often unto the field, and to the sky”.
“Ne’er saw I never felt, a calm so deep”. He is reversing the sentence so he is using inversion. It says that the view makes people feel calm. And the river would glide at its own pace, “The river glidth at his own sweet will”.
“Dear God! The very houses, seems asleep”. he is using personification’ because he is saying that he house is sleeping.
I think that the last line is the most powerful line of all of them. “And all that mighty heart is lying still” This line gives out many meanings. One is that all this beauty is everlasting and it will stay for ever. Another is that all this “magic” and good feeling is all in your heart and it will be with you where ever you go. Overall the poem is quite calm and peaceful.
Now I will compare the two poems.
They have many similarities e.g. they both explain the landscape on those particular days and they portray how beautiful it is. They look in depth and being out the things that we take granted for and don’t notice. They both use personification right through the poem but the ones that stood out when I was reading it, was in ‘A day in Autumn” “Let the mind take its photograph, of the bright scene, something against the heart in the long cold” This was personification when they tell us to put clothes on a scene. In “On Westminster Bridge” it says “Dear God, the very houses seem asleep”. This creates it because it is telling the houses to sleep. Both poems also are similar because their titles don’t have meanings to it.
They differ from each other because one is about a place and one is about a season. “A Day In Autumn but a “On Westminister Bridge” tells us aobut a general things that happen every day and a usual scene.
In conclusion I believe that R S Thomas and Williams Wondswoth vreat a calm atomosphere when they talk about the landscape. They portray landscape in an excellent way.
Now I will take about the theme of people, that the same two poets creat in Tramp” and “The Solitary reaper.
Tramp is a poem by R S Thomas. It is about a tramp who s compared toa normal person. He first ……. At a door asking for ten” A tramp with his can, asking for tea” Later on he compares his ambition with someone else ambition by saying” He looks a this feet, I look a the sky” This …. That ausual person would look up in the sky and reach for the starts but a tramp would look for pennys on the floor. When R S Thomas says “Strong for a poor man” he means that he is physically strong and mentally strong. Physically, because he can survive on the streets and mentally because he is a brave to knock at someone’s door. The next line isn that paragraph he says.