Chose three settings from Our Day Out and write about what they represent

Chose three settings from Our Day Out and write about what they represent? The Streets The street is a typical terraced housing inner city street. It has no gardens or any other attractive features such as flowerbeds, trees or flowers. The street is a very poor street which can be shown by the houses as some of them are probably small and of poor quality. When Carol runs up the street holding her carrier bag and wearing her school uniform that doubled as her Sunday best and a street outfit you could see that she is quite poor and she that this is where she came from. Further on in the play Carol says that she wished she could get out of the city and into the countryside and she tries to leave the coach party to stay at the countryside and get away from her town. The streets are there at the beginning so that we can see were it is that she wants to get away from and we understand why she loves the countryside so much as she lives in a very small poorly made house on a polluted smoky street which probably has no distinguishing features and looks the same as all the other streets round that area. The streets are also there to represent that the children are from working class inner city estates and probably don't know better than the streets around them. Also it represents that they think that they wont ever get out of that place and that they want to. The School Playground

  • Word count: 634
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Explore the differences in Mr. Briggs's and Mrs. Kay's view of education in Our Day Out. Write about how the author presents views and character and how far you sympathise with them.

Essay title: Explore the differences in Mr. Briggs's and Mrs. Kay's view of education in Our Day Out. Write about how the author presents views and character and how far you sympathise with them. The play, Our Day Out, written by Willy Russell is set in the inner city of Liverpool in the mid 1970's. Willy Russell chronicles a school outing to Conwy Castle with the school progress class. The progress class has a very bleak future and is underacheivers of their school. The title 'Day Out' reflects the poverty they are in, so a good day for them is more than they can expect. The two main characters in the play, Mrs. Kay and Mr. Briggs have opposing views on the childrens education and their future. Mrs. Kay, the motherly and caring teacher believes in liberalism- she is tolerant on the wide range of behaviour standards in the class. Mr. Briggs, however, has a more traditional view on the childrens education. He is stricter and expects the pupils to respect authority, conform and work hard whatever their ability. In this essay I will discuss these points of view, I will do this by analysing what they say, the actions they do and the conversions they have with the pupils and other members of staff. In addition I will give my opinion. Mr. Briggs is an authoritarian; discipline and control is important in his working career. The quote that supports this point is, "sit down, now,

  • Word count: 563
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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The headmaster says that Mrs Kay regards education as being like

The headmaster says that Mrs Kay regards education as being like "one long game." Compare and contrast the presentation of Mrs Kay and Mr Briggs considering how the play's translation into film has made it dramatically interesting and entertaining. Our day out was written in 1977. It originated from Willy Russell's experiences at Shorefields Comprehensive school where he taught from 1973 - 1974. during that year that he taught, Russell accompanied the teacher of the remedial department, Mrs Dorothy King, on a trip which was to Conway castle and zoo for the children in her care, and at the last minute, a Deputy head teacher also joined them in going to the trip, and created a potential recipe for disaster. But during the course of the day however the deputy head teacher relaxed and had a nice time but then he went back to his usual self at the end of the day. By doing this he destroyed all the achievement he had made that day. Clearly all the things that happened on that day where written in Willy Russell's play. Mrs Kay is the teacher of the progress class and is the leader of the day out. Mrs kay is first presented as a woman who wants to organize the children. The audiences first impression of Mrs Kay is that she is a very generous person and likes the kids, an example of this is when Reilly asks Mrs kay if he can come with them to the trip and she tells him to ask his

  • Word count: 1074
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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How does Willy Russell make us laugh and deal with serious issues at the same time?

Introduction The play 'Our Day Out' is about a group of under achieving kids, who go for a day out with two teachers. On one side we have the very strict male teacher Mr Briggs, who intends the kids to have a bright future and wants them to always learn. On the other hand we have a very soft hearted female teacher Mrs Kay, who knows that the children will not get very far in life, so they might as well enjoy themselves. The play shows how the two conflicting teachers operate and communicate together with the children. I believe the play was written in order to teach children who have the ability to learn, to be grateful and make the most of the opportunity they have given to them. Furthermore, the main purpose that I believe the play was written was because of the fact that Willy Russell himself actually experience some rough times in his childhood. It could well be that many of the examples shown in the play of how children had a different understanding of things and how they were not cared for, were in actual fact from what happened to Willy Russell during his childhood. There are numerous examples of serious comedy raised in Our Day Out. Here is just one of them: Mr Briggs: Was it your ciggie, Reily? Reilly: Sir, I swear on me mother. Digga: Don't believe him, sir. How can he swear on his mother? She's been dead for ten years. (scene 6) In a way this

  • Word count: 1202
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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What impression do you get of Carol and Briggs in Scene 35,'The Cliff' from the way they talk to each other and the stage directions? (Carol is on the edge of the cliff threatening to jump) Make sure you write about the dramatic nature of the scene.

Our Day Out What impression do you get of Carol and Briggs in Scene 35,'The Cliff' from the way they talk to each other and the stage directions? (Carol is on the edge of the cliff threatening to jump) Make sure you write about the dramatic nature of the scene. In 'Our Day Out' a school trip is organised by a teacher called Mrs Kay. It is a trip to Wales for the day for a class called the progress group that Mrs Kay Taught. The children in this teaching group are less able then most. They are from Liverpool and they live in the inner city, which is a rough area. Near the end of this play 'In the beach scene' just before they were going to return to Liverpool, one of the children went missing. The child who went missing is called Carol Chandler. She didn't want to go back to Liverpool after seeing a better part of the world, which she had compared with her home. She had been hinting earlier in the play to Mrs Kay that she didn't want to go back. Carol may have just wondered off for some peace and quiet. When the teachers realised that Carol was missing, the teachers gathered into a group together. Unfortunately they have a little argument, which communicates tension to the audience, but then after a little while the argument stopped so they could look for Carol Chandler. In the end Mr Briggs found her on the top of a cliff. This is where Carol was enjoying herself and was

  • Word count: 1561
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Our Day Out by Willy Russel.

Our Day Out Our day out is set in an industrial estate in Liverpool. The novel is based upon Willy Russel's first hand experience of teaching at Shorefields Comprehensive School where he taught young adults for a year. The play is to my opinion very realistic, due to the fact that Willy Russel had the experience in life of teaching in a more chilled and relaxing sort of manner. Therefore this revolves around "Mrs Kay", (character in the story) who is very alike Willy Russel and not to mention, I will explain the character "Mrs Kay" later on throughout the duration of this essay. The play is set in a low standard Liverpool where people have no fame or form of life. Not to forget that the play is set many years ago so subsequently not many new technology was around, and to be taught education was a difficult prospect. In the past when the story was written, Liverpool not at its best was a city in many areas degraded, obnoxious and sight seeing was very unattractive. Seemingly that's the reason I suppose the author Willy Russel chose an abnormal country so that the pupils at (school name) could have something to explore the real world outside. From reading about Willy Russel's biography of life so far, I think Wales or any other country besides England is a luminous trip for the pupils to go to. This is because the pupils can look at the outside world and experience such a

  • Word count: 1589
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Our Day Out by Willy Russell - How Does Willy Russell Make Scene 35 Dramatically Effective?

Emil Kalaria 10.1 25/04/2003 GCSE English Literature Drama Coursework - Our Day Out by Willy Russell How Does Willy Russell Make Scene 35 Dramatically Effective? Our Day Out by Willy Russell is about a group of less able pupils from a school in a run down part of Liverpool, set in the 1970s. The children are on a school trip to Conwy Castle in Wales, with four teachers, of which two have large roles in the play, and have two contrasting personalities. The outing to Conwy Castle is a great spree for the children because they have a chance to experience nature and the countryside firsthand. The children live in the dirty slums of Liverpool, and some of the pupils had never seen a vast field in their whole lives until this school trip. Carol is one of the pupils on the trip, and is found on a nearby cliff top because she does not want to leave the countryside, and return to her run down Liverpool home. She wants to enjoy the countryside as much as she can before she has to leave. She then has a wild idea of actually staying there, at the countryside, and not going back home to Liverpool. Section one is a small description on stage-directions. Mrs Kay and Colin are searching the area for Carol. The atmosphere created by the stage-directions is of a somewhat

  • Word count: 1718
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Jenny Rowe - English Coursework Essay on "Our Day Out" (by Willy Russell). Discuss the dramatic devices Willy Russell uses in the zoo scene of 'Our Day Out'. Willy Russell, the author of 'Our Day Out' was a playwright in Liverpool writing at a time when there was a high level of unemployment and a feeling that even with an education there was little work available. In the inner city areas there were low levels of literacy, schools attempted to deal with the disaffected students in special classes. Willy Russell grew up in Liverpool and worked in various jobs there in his adult life, so he knew what it was like. He expressed this culture of negativity in his writing, giving a 'voice' to these people, who he had an affection and understanding for. The screenplay is about one of these special classes. It is called the 'progress class'. Their teacher organises a coach trip for the children she genuinely cares for in the hope of giving them an experience beyond their usual day to day life. Russell also explores another level with another teacher who is on the trip and has very different views about what a day trip should be. The text is effective and entertaining because of the devices used and they are particularly evident in the zoo scene. The first device Willy Russell uses is in the stage directions at the start. 'They point and shriek with horrified delight

  • Word count: 1959
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Through Detailed Reference To the Text Make Clear What We Learn About Mr Briggs and Mrs Kay and Show How Willy Russel Uses a Range of Dramatic Techniques To Manipulate Our Responses To Them At Key Points In the Play

Through detailed reference to the text make clear what we learn about Mr Briggs and Mrs Kay and show how Willy Russel uses a range of dramatic techniques to manipulate our responses to them at key points in the play Over the past few weeks our class has been studying "Our Day Out", a drama written by Willy Russell. It was first aired in December 1977 on the BBC. It is about a school trip to Wales for the 'progress class' of a Liverpool school accompanied by four teachers, two with very different ideas of how to teach the children. Mrs Kay, is one of the teachers on the trip is a liberal minded person who believes it is more important for the children to enjoy themselves on the trip, much to the annoyance of Mr Briggs. Mr Briggs is the complete opposite of Mrs Kay. He believes in strict discipline of children, because in his opinion they aren't capable of learning any other way. As the story progresses, the audience receives more clues as to each of the characters personalities and traits. The first character we get to see is Carol, a thirteen-year-old girl who attends the progress class. She is introduced to the audience as she attempts to cross the road. She is stopped by Les, the lollipop man. She explains to Les that everyone who is in the progress class is going on a trip. Les doesn't know what the progress class is so Carol explains it's for all the "backwards" kids. I

  • Word count: 5552
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Compare the characters of Mrs Kay and Mr Briggs

Compare the characters of Mrs Kay and Mr Briggs From Willy Russell's 'Our Day Out' 'Our Day Out' is a play written in the 1970's by a Liverpoolian called Willy Russell. Willy Russell left school without any qualifications when he was fifteen but furthered his education in the 1970's as he enrolled on a one year 'A' level course. The play 'Our Day Out' was written to raise many issues. Some of these issues include highlighting the poverty and social deprivation surrounding the city of Liverpool at the time. This includes the education of under-privileged, inner city school children. Yet by adding humour he ensured he attracted a wider audience. To get his message across to the audience he uses two totally different characters that both have totally different styles of teaching. Mrs. Kay's style of teaching involves a much deeper emotional relationship to the progress class children however Mr. Briggs uses a strict, professional approach to the remedial kids, not letting them connect on a personal level. In the play Willy Russell describes a trip to Conway castle which allows the audience to see how the two teachers react to the different situation the children put them in. In Willy Russell's play 'Our Day Out' there are two main teachers, Mrs. Kay and Mr. Briggs who both have very different teaching methods .Mrs. Kay is very relaxed with the children and takes everything

  • Word count: 1571
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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