
Piggy is the most intelligent, rational boy in the group, and his glasses represent the power of science and intellectual endeavour in society. " His specs, use them as burning glasses!" page 40. This is shown the best when Piggy's glasses are used to make fire by using sunlight with their lenses.The boys start trying to make survival acts in the begining and by making fire it is making the island closer to civilization, so the specs are civilized. The specs are manmade and represent the connection to civilization. "One side is broken" page 71. So, when Jack's hunters raid Ralph's camp and steal the glasses, the savages have taken the power to make fire, and Ralph's civilization is left helpless.When the glasses broke it was foreshadowing of the begining of the loss of progressive civil living. The glasses are the head symbol for society and

  • Word count: 300
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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The epic of Gilgamesh

Ahmad Saleem 9/5/09 The "True" Epic of the Great Ruler Gilgamesh A long, long, long time ago in a land far, far, far away, there once lived a Sumerian king around 2500 BC in Mesopotamia. He was the ruler the great city of Uruk. His name was Gilgamesh. As our story begins..... Gilgamesh has been a very bad ruler, he has disrespected his people in many ways. Well one day he hears of a powerful man in the wilderness named Enkidu. Gilgamesh becomes very excited, so he decides to trap Enkidu into coming to the city. Upon meeting Enkidu, Gilgamesh learns many new things. This friend of his changes his whole life and becomes his best friend . Gilgamesh is not bored any more and he has better things to do with his best friend. So together Gilgamesh and Enkidu plan a great heroic adventure to get wood so they can build in their city. On their way, they fight the great monster Humbaba, and defeat him. Now the two friends have become heroes and are both treated like kings. When they return to their great city of Uruk, they are astonished to see how many problems there are. Then Gilgamesh sees the Goddess Ishtar, and she wants him to marry Gilgamesh him, but Gilgamesh says "no". This makes the Goddess Ishtar mad, so she decides to hurt someone very close to Gilgamesh and that was Enkidu. Enkidu has a very bad fever and sadly dies. After his

  • Word count: 286
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Mein Traumberuf. Ich wrde gern Musiker werden. Als ich klein war, wollte ich Arzt werden,

Mein Traumberuf. Ich würde gern Musiker werden. Als ich klein war, wollte ich Arzt werden, weil ich sehr spaß und leicht gedacht, aber langweilig ist. . Ich würde ein Musiker werden, weil im Gegensatz zu anderen jobs, es ist kreativ Musiker ist sehr spaß und man kann zu viel Geld verdienen. Ich würde Musiker werden, wenn auf die Universitat gehen, weil um Musiker zu werden, muß man disziplin hatte und sehr klug bin. Letztes Jahr ich muß gehe auf die Universitat. Auch um Musiker zu werden, muß man sehr Energie haben.. Ich würde ein Musiker werden, weil im Gegensatz zu andere Berufen, Musiker ist sehr spaß und man kann zu viel Geld verdienen. Ich würde Musiker werden, wenn auf die Universitat gehen, weil um Musiker zu werden, muß man disziplin hatte. Auch um Musiker zu werden, man muß sehr Energie haben, weil Musiker sehr lange Uhr arbeiten. Um Musiker zu werden, muß man viel Musikinstrumenten spielen. Im moment ich spiele ein Instrumente und ich mache vier Noten in total, aber in zehn Jahren hoffe ich drei Instrumente zu spielen und acht Noten zu haben. Ich will Musiker werden, aber meine Eltern wollen daß ich Arzt werden. Das ist eine problem, weil ich möchte meine Eltern zufrieden mit meine Arbeit. Obwohl, das nicht gut ist, ich will Musiker werden. In Berufs, es ist mir wichtig, daß mir die Arbeit Spaß macht und daß ich viel Auswahl habe, so ich

  • Word count: 241
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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In the stories The Veiled Lodger by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and The Lamb To The Slaughter by Roald Dahl, both women murder their husbands. Who do you have the most sympathy for, and why?

In the stories The Veiled Lodger by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and The Lamb To The Slaughter by Roald Dahl, both women murder their husbands. Who do you have the most sympathy for, and

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  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Journey's End

"Journey's End" by R.C. Sherriff In his play, "Journey's End", R.C. Sherriff shows not only the brutal effects of the war, but the effects of the eminent conflict and tension between characters throughout the play. Clever stage directions, dialogue and characterisation help the playwright to achieve this. The play focuses on the relationships between the characters, and the heavy toll which war takes on them. We learn that several of the conflicts are resolved as the play progresses, however. The play is set in a dug-out in France during the First World War, and the characters which we see are officers of Company "A", which is commanded by Stanhope. One area of obvious conflict in the play is between the two main characters, Stanhope and Raleigh. Stanhope is commander of the company, and a highly respected man, although he is just twenty-one. Raleigh is a new officer, and is excited to be joining Stanhope's company, as they were good friends at school. However, Stanhope is shocked at Raleigh's arrival and does not greet him in a welcoming manner. When Raleigh is introduced to Stanhope, he is bewildered. The stage directions read: "Stanhope stares at Raleigh as though dazed." He also speaks "in a low voice", which shows he is uncomfortable in Raleigh's presence. We learn the reason for Stanhope's dismay at Raleigh's arrival later in the scene, as he speaks of his and

  • Word count: 0
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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