How does Stevenson Make Mr Utterson an Interesting and Significant Character in "Jekyll and Hyde"?

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In What Ways Does Stevenson Make Mr Utterson an Interesting and Significant Character?

Mr Utterson is a middle-aged lawyer, and a man in which all the characters confide throughout the novel. Being an old friend of Jekyll, he recognizes the changes and strange occurrences of Jekyll and Hyde, and resolves to further investigate the relationship between the two men. He is perhaps the most circumspect, respected, and rational character in the novel.

Mr Utterson’s personality is not very exciting. He is clearly not a man of strong passions or sensibilities. The author intends for him to be perceived in this way. From the first page of the novel, the text notes that Utterson has a face that is “never lighted by a smile,” he speaks very little, and he seems “lean, long, dusty, [and] dreary.” Yet, somehow, he is “lovable,” and has many friends. His lovability may stem from the only interesting characteristic that Stevenson gives him, which is his willingness to remain friends with those whose reputation has suffered.

Mr Utterson is not anxious to judge and condemn others, which allows many people of different backgrounds to come to him to seek advice. This provides him with connections with every other major character in the novel, making him very significant. In giving him this quality, Stevenson has made Mr Utterson the central, loose-end-connecting man.

Another interesting quality that Mr Utterson possesses is his intense loyalty to his friends. He is constantly concerned for their welfare. It causes him to be deeply distressed over Dr. Jekyll's relationship with Mr. Edward Hyde. For example, when he is convinced that Edward Hyde has injured Dr. Jekyll, he is quick to take action and break down the door to the laboratory in order to come to his friend's aid. This extreme action does not match his very reserved personality. This makes him very an interesting character. His loyalty to Dr Jekyll leads him to try to resolve the mystery that surrounds Jekyll, making Mr Utterson’s character very significant.

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Mr Utterson portrays the perfect Victorian gentleman. He is a cautious person who does not like to be involved with scandal. He consistently seeks to preserve order and decorum, does not gossip, and guards his friends’ reputations as though they were his own. This is shown when Mr Utterson, knowing that Jekyll is tangentially involved in the Carew murder case, withholds relevant information from the police and is careful to protect Jekyll's good name by keeping his relationship with Hyde away from public scrutiny as best as he can. It makes his character interesting because it shows that he is willing ...

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