Othello essay.

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Othello essay

The Shakespeare Tragedy Othello was written and set during the early 17th century in Venice rule. The play is set in Cyprus and Venice. In the play Othello Iago attempts to destroy the marriage of Othello and Desdemona. Iago is the most evil character. In my coursework I am looking at Iagos’s soliloquy at Act 2 scene 3(line 303-329) and the dramatic qualities of the speech.

    Iago’s character is very developed because of all the speeches he has. The audience follows almost everything he does and he has more soliloquies than any other characters in the play.

    The speeches that Iago makes are in the play so the audience sees how much of a villain he is so they don’t feel any sympathy for him at the end. Also the speech is there to show what evil things he is going to do. Another reason the speech is there because it makes the audience feel more involved because it feels like Iago is winking to the audience when he says the speech.

    An actor delivers a soliloquy either while alone on stage or unheard by the other characters. It shows the inner feelings of a character. Soliloquies are used throughout Shakespearean tragedies in order to allow characters to disclose their innermost thoughts and feeling. Iago’s soliloquies serve the purpose of creating dramatic irony and developing his motives and plot.

    Iago’s soliloquy is about Iago saying that he is going to persuade Desdemona into doing anything he likes. If she thinks it’s a good thing. He's going to make her ask Othello to give Cassio his job back .The soliloquy is there to show the audience how kunering Iago is. Before the soliloquy Iago is talking to Cassio, Cassio says ‘Good night honest Iago’ Then Iago begins his soliloquy. This shows dramatic irony because Iago is being nice to Cassio but then plotting his down fall by telling Othello, Desdemona is having affair with Cassio.

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    In Othello the use of imagery and language is sighifant it shows the meaning because it helps us to see the main themes. The main themes are nature, light, hell and evil.

    In Iago’s soliloquy repetition is used a lot. Iago says ‘To win the Moor again’. Iago repeats Moor a lot because Iago doesn’t like Othello’. Also Iago says ‘villain’s lot. Iago uses the word villain a lot because he thinks people will think he a villain. Iago uses rhetorical questions in the soliloquy. He says ‘How am I a villain ’. He tries ...

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