“Hello, is there anyone in there?” I heard a dog barking from the other side of the door. “Hello? Please I need you’re your help! Hello?” Eventually I gave up and start to cry. This joke isn’t funny anymore I thought. I just wanted to see someone and make sure they were ok. Just see someone and know I’m not going completely mad!
I stood up and pulled my hood up over my head. I slowly walked back home still on the look out for people.
When I finally got back home it was already quarter past one. I waited all day for my mom. Nobody knocked the door and nobody phoned. I like having time to myself but not like this. How can you explain a village full of people just vanishing? What if someone’s taken them? I’m so scared. Why would they have left me? Is this my fault?
Dear diary.
It’s been two weeks now. Two weeks since I’ve seen my family or friends. Two weeks since I’ve seen anyone at all. The food has starting to go off, but it’s still okay for another few days, right? I mean, all the fruits gone rotten, the meat smells disgusting and the breads gone stale too however there are still loads of tinned foods that’ll last me ages. It’ll be ok won’t it?
However the smell got too much for me to bare. The house stunk of raw eggs and fish making me gag every time I walked into the kitchen.
Heaving, I put all the food into black bin liners, tied it up and threw it out into the road. As soon as the bag touched the floor three huge rats appeared from the bushes and ran straight for the rotten food. What am I supposed to eat now?
I’m feeling so alone and so depressed. I have been stuck in this house all by my self for far too long. I need to get out, put my mind on to other things. Get some sort of normality back in my life. I just keep holding on to the thought that some one will come back for me soon. I know they will.
I ran out of my door jumping over the feeding rats, slowed down at the gate and walked out into the road. Once again the loneliness sank in. The world seemed so big, so empty. I tried not to think about it and just carried on walking, dragging my feet across the litter filled streets. It all seemed so unreal, the normal sounds of people talking and cars on the road was so absent it rang loudly through my head. I kept walking faster and faster as my heart began to pound in my chest. What if I’m not alone after all? Paranoia started to build up inside me. If everyone was taken maybe I'm next.
Dear Diary
Six gruelling months have passed. I have seen no form of life what so ever even the animals have run off and left me here by my self except for the insects and rats that now plague the streets. I keep hoping to see somebody yet I am constantly terrified of who might be out there. The foods I once hated I now have to live on each and every day. Stranded in this place for so long with no one to left to rely on. This for me is hell! The world I had once loved gone, the people I had once loved gone. I sit here in the cold, crying, wondering what will happen to me.
I saw them again today. I know for sure this time. I know there here, I hear them all the time now, there voices drowning out my own thoughts in my head.
Everyday is just a struggle to keep alive. The hunger, the pain, I just want to end it. The hope I hang on to is slowly slipping away from me. Is there really any point me keeping my self here falling into the madness the worlds created? There is only one thing I’m sure of, I have never been so alone in my life.