Romeo and Juliet - act 3 scene 1.

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Romeo and Juliet- act 3 scene 1

Mohammed Akhazzan 11p1

Romeo and Juliet is a story written in the 15th century by William Shakespeare. It is a tragic love story set in Verona (Italy). The play is about two households, the Capulets and the Montagues. Romeo is one of the main characters in the play and he is the only son of Montagues. Another protagonist character is Juliet; she is the only daughter of the Capulets.

These two households are undergoing a long feud we are told about the grudge in the prologue on line 3,
”From ancient grudge break to new mutiny”

Although we are told there is an “ancient grudge” we are not told how it started or what is it about.

The play is started with a prologue, which is set out as a sonnet. The prologue is important because it gives us some useful information, it tells us the play is set in Verona. Shakespeare continues the play with a brawl in the market of Verona between the serving men from the two households. I think shake spear uses the brawl to start the play because it grips the audience attention, helps to raise the tension in play and keep the audience amused through out the play.

The two protagonists Romeo and Juliet first meet in act 1 scene 3.  To show that they are falling in love Shakespeare writes their speech as a sonnet to make it sound more romantic. Romeo and Juliet meet after Romeo gatecrashes the Capulet’s party. Juliet was told to married another man named Paris but Juliet said she was not yet ready.

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Although she says she s not yet ready she later marries Romeo. Shakespeare uses similies to show what Romeo feels towards Juliet. In act 2 scene 1 Romeo compares Juliet to the sun, stars and heavens, Romeo says

“The brightness of her cheeks would shame those stars” (line 19 act 2 scene 1)

Romeo and Juliet get married, they get married at the end of act 2 scence6, Friar Laurence is the person who marries them, he marries them because he thinks this will end the capulet’s and Montague’s feud.

After Romeo and Juliet get married, they leave the church and ...

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