Technology - How it's affected us as young people.

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Life in the UK can be The challenges that young people face at 16 and beyond, have as much to do with their ability to prosper in a rapidly changing world as they have to do with their knowledge of many basic skills. Learning how to live and behave in a multiracial society, how to respect and support each other, how to make the most of opportunities, how to make a contribution, how to appreciate both spiritual and material qualities of life - these "life skills" and moral factors fall to parents, friends and peers, and to the very fact of life within the varied rural and city communities of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, that give Britain its diverse culture. Within these communities - at local, regional and national levels - hundreds of voluntary youth groups and organizations play an active role in the life of young people in Britain. The majority of these organizations have become established on a voluntary basis by groups representing the interests of a particular sector of the population. They include religious community groups - Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist; ethnic minority
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groups - organisations of youth in diasporas; organisations providing for particular sporting and outdoor activities or hobbies, e. g. path-walkers, mountain-climbers, rockers; groups focusing on activities for people with disabilities, etc. While parental influence at home is a key factor in every young person's life, so is the wide social environment at school, and the whole lot of influences coming from "popular culture", offering role models ranging from the stars of Australian soap-operas to icons of pop-music, punk or rave. A great many youth fashions, fads, likes and dislikes and ways of talking are absorbed and rapidly spread through popular ...

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