The Charge of the Light Brigade and The Brook

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The essay will discus the different techniques used by Tennyson in two of his poems, The Charge of the Light Brigade and The Brook, both of which are very unalike. The two poems will be compared for the use of literary devises and the affect that they have on the reader.

The first poem The Charge of the Light Brigade is a poem that is about an event that took place, which was the charging of six hundred soldiers in to a battlefield. We are told from the poem that all but a few of the six hundred died, and that it could have all been prevented if some one had not "...blunder'd". The second poem is of a river that is flowing through the countryside and about the journey it takes through the countryside to join the "Brimming River". We are informed of all the different landmarks and sights it passes. The main emphasis of the poem is that nature will continue to flourish where as men and women will come and go.

The visual structure of both poems is very different, in that The Brook is made up of thirteen, four-line stanzas and has a regular structure to it. Where as The Charge of the Light Brigade is the exact antithesis of The Brook, as it is made up of 6 irregular stanzas and has no apparent structure to the layout of it. The impact of this on the reader is that The Brook comes across as being more of flowing poem and one that will have rhythmical flow to it. Whiles The Charge of the Light Brigade comes across as not being rhythmical and more of a story type composition, with separate paragraphs.
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Narration of both poems is completely different and as a result gives the reader a different sense of being. The Brook is written in first person and so is personified to provide the reader with a surreal view and abstract images of the surroundings as the river passes through the countryside. Tennyson has written The Brook in first person view to give impact and interest to the reader. The Charge of the Light Brigade is the complete opposite of The Brook in the way that it has been written, as it is written in third person. Tennyson has ...

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