The Conch - "Lord of the Flies"In William Golding's novel "Lord of the Flies" he uses a lot of symbolism. The

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        Jonny Lynch 11W        

The Conch – “Lord of the Flies”

In William Golding's novel “Lord of the Flies” he uses a lot of symbolism.  The entire book is microcosm to the real world, as the novel is set at the time when World War II was going on and on the island there is a hunt at the end of the book symbolic of the war.  A symbol Golding uses throughout the book is the conch.  It represents authority and order.  The person holding the conch had the power, and it created order and rules since when it was called, everyone had to listen and order is displayed by the meetings or gatherings that it’s used to call and hold.

In this essay I will be explaining how William Golding used the conch in the “Lord of the Flies”, explain how it is used by the boys and what it represents at different points in the novel. I will explore the implications, relevance and historical context of the novel. In addition I will discuss the style, structure and character William Golding uses.

In the Novel, a group of young boy, two of which are Piggy and Ralph. When exploring the island they find a very special shell. Fishing it out, Ralph becomes interested in it and asks Piggy, what it is. Piggy explains that it can blow like a horn if blown into properly. He also says that he would show Ralph how, but due to his asthma he can't blow into it. Ralph figures out how and everyone on the island hears the shell and comes toward the sound. It was used to call all the other boys on the island together to form a civilisation.  

“In colour the shell was deep cream, touched here                         and there with fading pink. Between the point, worn                         away into a little hole, and the pink lips of the mouth,                         lay eighteen inches of shell with a slight spiral twist                        and covered with a delicate, embossed pattern.”

The shell also has a historical background as years ago a shell was used as a sign of currency. You could use shells to buy food, clothes and other general items. On the island the shell is worthless as they cannot buy anything with it or sell it for food as they are only people on the island. This is why I believe that Golding used a conch as historically, it is precious, expensive and unique. Towards the end of the novel, Jack realises that it is worthless and rebels against the shell and at it represents, civilization, order and democracy. He believes that it is “just a shell.”

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The Conch's power is presented in the very beginning as the children vote for Ralph to be chief just because he was the one with the Conch. "Him with the shell." "Ralph! Ralph!" "Let him be chief with the trumpet thing" ' this excerpt from Page 22 shows how everybody seems to think that power, responsibility and leadership skills comes from the Conch.

Another Example of the Conch's Power is the fact that through out the novel the conch is the only tool that can call a meeting and wherever the Conch is that’s where the meeting is. No ...

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