The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

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The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

‘The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, had originated from one of Stevenson’s dreams, he dreamt of a mans split personality and the concept of the evil side over-powering the good side.

He was first encouraged in writing this novel, as he told his wife and she was most certain that this idea written down as a novel would be an excellent storyline.

The tale displays how two things are put together to show clearly the differences between them. Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel explains the terrible effects of scientific experiments on people, which bring out both good and evil sides to them.

 When Jekyll states that “man is not truly one but truly two,” he is not only stating on peoples’ double personality but also on the society that controls them.

 The use of detail of the gothic setting in the novel evokes terror and fear. This is achieved as he carefully describes the place, weather, season, time, characters and the incidents in the jokes related by Mr Enfield. The effects of these descriptions build up a sinister atmosphere that prepare us for the characters and the incidents that happen later in the book.

The gothic setting increases the effect of horror in the novel, it is a perfect element as the book itself is exploring the evil of men; this type setting had touched many people because of what Britain was suffering.

The novel has numerous descriptions of gothic settings “Dingy neighbourhood” (p10) down a street of open shop fronts which in contrast “shone out” (p10) with “an air of invitation” (p10). This side of London shows us the good side to the neighbourhood, reflecting the duality of the area as a powerful comparison of Jekyll, after this description of a wonderful street, Stevenson then decides to introduce the dark side in the first chapter, ‘The story of the Door’. He relates to the doors and buildings as a “sinister block” (p10) that “thrust forward” (p10) into the street. The building is described to having “a blind forehead of discoloured wall” (p11) that is showing a “sordid negligence” (p11). The choice of words indicates disfigurement which could compare to Hyde’s appearance.
Enfield describes to Utterson about a sudden meeting with a man related to a door. He portrays the setting as a “black winter morning” (p11) this makes the reader feel the cold, dark setting. He also describes the street as “empty as a church” (p11) Enfield tells Utterson that he began to “long for the sight of a Policeman” (p11) as Enfield is beginning to feel uncomfortable, Stevenson introduces Hyde for the first time.

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The novel has a unique storyline and was particularly popular amongst people in the 1880s London, as Britain was facing social, economic and spiritual changes.

After the settlement in Britain readers thought that, ‘there carefully built society was hypocritical’ (novella guide) politically. ‘The ‘higher class’ felt that the working class was getting more increased political power.’ (Novella guide).

Jekyll and Hyde are two very different men, Jekyll was of ‘ about 50’, ‘a well made, smoothed faced, slyish cost but every mark of capacity’ type of man, he was a high class scientist, that believed very ...

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