Unattainable Things in The Great Gatsby

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Unattainable Things in The Great Gatsby           The roaring twenties. Cars were the things to have and a party was the place to be.  Everybody wanted something. F. Scott Fitzgerald's book, The Great Gatsby, describes the events that happen to eight people during the summer of 1922. In the book, people went from west to east because something they desired was in the east; unfortunatly in the end those 'somethings' were unattainable.         ...I decided to go east and learn the     bond business.  Everybody I knew was     in the bond business so I supposed it     could support one more single man. All     my aunts and uncles talked it over as     if they were choosing a prep school     for me...     Nick went to the east to make money.  He was from
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the midwest, and even though his family was doing pretty well in the money department, Nick wanted to make his own money. By going from the midwest to the east, Fitzgerald shows Nick's desire to have more money.  After spending the summer in the east and seeing how money affects people, he decides to go back west.            I see now that this has been a     story of the west,  after all-Tom     and Gatsby,  Daisy and Jordan and     I,  were all westerners and and     perhaps we possessed some deficiency     in common which made us subtly     unadaptable to eastern life.     In other ...

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