Who Is To Blame For The Deaths Of Romeo and Juliet?

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Who Is To Blame For The Deaths Of Romeo and Juliet?

The question ‘Who is to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet’ is hard to answer since there are many interpretations of Shakespeare’s plays. However, I think that Friar Laurence was most to blame, though there are a number of other factors and characters to consider.

The deaths of Romeo and Juliet seem needless, as it was mainly the people around them who were fighting and arguing. Romeo and Juliet mainly kept away from the fighting and arguing but were affected by the people’s actions. Their lives were made miserable but because there were so deeply in love, they took great risks to stay together and this eventually led to their deaths.

The prologue at the beginning of the play suggests that fate was to blame, in the words: ‘star cross’d lovers’ and ‘death-mark’d love’. In the play Romeo refers to stars and fate several times. When he does something he shouldn’t have done he blames the stars rather than himself. After he kills Tybalt, he realises the seriousness of his action and blames the stars: ‘O, I am a fortune’s fool’.  The death of Tybalt led to the banishment of Romeo. Killing Tybalt was a costly mistake as Romeo was banished and no longer able to see his beloved Juliet, unless he takes huge risks.

Later in the play, when Balthassar informs Romeo of Juliet’s ‘death’, Romeo talks about the stars again: ‘ Then I defy you stars’, meaning he is not going to let fate control him anymore. This statement strongly suggests that he believes in fate. At that point he leaves Mantua for Verona, which later leads to his death. He is very quick in making his decision and doesn’t give it much thought.

Few other characters, apart from Romeo and Juliet themselves, interfere with fate: Mercutio, the Nurse, Tybalt and Friar Laurence.

Mercutio, one of Romeo’s friends, changed the course of events by encouraging Romeo to go to the Capulet’s Masquerade. The couple wouldn’t have met and therefore the deaths could have been avoided, as they wouldn’t of fell in love. Romeo would still be in love with Rosaline, if he hadn’t have gone to the masquerade. Mercutio and Benvolio also tell Romeo to get over Rosaline and look for another girl, which what he does. I don’t think you can blame the tragedy on Mercutio because he was just giving his friend some advice, which just happened to become true and changed Romeo’s life and leads to his and Juliet’s death.

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Tybalt, a hot-tempered enemy of the Montague’s, changed the course of events by provoking Romeo to fight, which late led to Mercutio’s and Tybalt’s death and Romeo’s banishment. If he wasn’t banished the couple could have worked out a safer and more simple plan, which could have averted their deaths. I also don’t think he could be blamed for the tragedy. Romeo came to the masquerade uninvited and knew if he were spotted there would be trouble. Tybalt, being a hot-tempered person got angry with Romeo and started trouble, even though Romeo meant no harm. They would blame each ...

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