The Rainforest

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The Rainforest

When I think of the Rainforest, I usually associate it with Geography so I was a little taken aback to find we were studying it as a Drama topic. My knowledge of the Rainforest was very limited. To be precise, I knew there was one, and that it was mentioned on ‘Newsround’ a lot, but if you were after any more information, I wouldn’t be able to help.

Because I wasn’t the only un-enlightened (ignorant) person in the class, the first couple of lessons on this subject were dedicated to the ‘vital statistics’ side of things, exploring dry facts and figures. We also learnt something about an environmentalist, called Chico Mendez whose name was familiar to me because I’d read it many times in the dedication at the beginning of a children’s book called ‘Oi, Get Off Our Train’ by John Burningham. Before we began the study of the Rainforest, that was all I knew about him but I have since learnt how he campaigned tirelessly and lost his life trying to raise global awareness about the plight of the rainforest and its inhabitants; He warned of the inherent dangers of continuing to exploit its natural resources.

Despite his great sacrifice, the destruction continues.  Every second, a part of the Rainforest, equivalent in size to a football pitch is being destroyed. We have learnt that the rainforest is not a renewable resource. It was facts such as these that got me more interested in this topic but I was still unsure why this was relevant to me. It soon became clear…..

For our first practical, we were told to present a piece in the form of a television documentary based on the Rainforest. My group was comprived of people who I feel are very strong actors so I wasn’t worried that we wouldn’t be able to act out an idea well. The coming up with the idea was the problem. We improvised through our teeth and nobody seemed to notice. This is where those facts we had learnt earlier came in handy. Whenever we ran out of things to say, we stated an ‘interesting fact’. I was very impressed with Darren’s contribution to the group. He kept things running along smoothly and dropped ques and left questions open so the group could know to follow his lead and how to change the flow if need be.

The following lesson was pretty much focused in on Chico Mendez and his crusade. We watched a video named the ‘Burning Season’, which was based on his life. I found it to be very interesting as I did not expect his upbringing and the life of a rubber tapper to be so hard and disturbed.

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The actor that played Chico I thought was the best/strongest actor in the film. Supporting actors let the film down with their inexperienced (almost ham) acting, 1 dimensional roles. Although I criticise, watching the film helped me a lot. Before this, I was unable to get a proper feel for this topic, this, I found was because I had nothing visual to help me get a clearer understanding on the conditions and effects on peoples lives. It was quite shocking to view real footage of the Rainforest being burnt down. The film sparked of energy inside of me that left ...

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