Kathe Kollwitz created "Mother and Dead Child" in 1905 using the etching technique.
Kathe Kollwitz: “Mother and Dead Child” Structural Analysis
Kathe Kollwitz created “Mother and Dead Child” in 1905 using the etching technique.
It has been done by engraving in the image of a mother and a deceased child, then colouring it with a variety of greys, whites, and blacks.
Kathe Kollwitz uses an etching technique and adds a variety of tone, shadows and bold imprints, to create a bold, powerful and socially stimulating effect. She adds a variety of dark, strong lines and leaves some spaces lighter. The lighter colours contrast with the darker colours, which makes it stand out and reveal the areas of most light hitting the image. Kathe Kollwitz has firstly engraved the image shown onto a form of material-either wood, metal or lino. She then colours in the picture different shades to divulge more emotion and influence. The image then gets printed onto the paper or canvas.
“Mother and dead child” was created in the German Expressionism art movement.
From the top of the painting to the bottom of the painting exposes a woman, from the tip of her head to the bottom of the width of her leg naked, holding a dead child. The woman is leaning into the dead child, also showing that Kathe Kollwitz has captured a significant amount of emotion. The woman is holding the child with the top of its head facing the painter. The woman’s face is facing towards downwards, into the child’s body, as to make known the powerful sentiment that is being portrayed by the artist. Only the woman’s hair and her forehead are visible. She is sitting with her legs positioned flat on the floor, one leg facing parallel to her body, with the heels of her feet facing into her body, particularly to the face. The foot on her other leg is positioned just above her left knee-on her lower thigh. Her right leg also supports the head of her child. Both of her hands are gripped around the torso of her child. The two people pictured in this artwork-the child and the mother is both appear to be naked.