We are not born with phobias - a phobia is learnt because it has become associated with an object or an experience that is unpleasant. According to the behaviourist, a phobia has to be learnt

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We are not born with phobias – a phobia is learnt because it has become associated with an object or an experience that is unpleasant.

According to the behaviourist, a phobia has to be learnt.  This can happen in one of two ways:  classical or operant conditioning.

Classical conditioning is where an object/experience becomes associated with something unpleasant or causes pain/fear.  J Watson and R Rayner tested this in a controversial experiment in 1920, in the case of little Albert.  

The stimulus may be all kinds of things, an object, a person or a sound.  By itself it has no effect but once it has become associated with the UCS (unconditional stimulus) and it causes a response, as the white rat did with little Albert; it is called the conditional stimulus (CS) because the person has become conditioned to it and a conditional response occurs (CR).

If this response then occurs with other similar objects, then the conditioning has become generalised.

Operant conditioning is where we learn from the consequences of our actions.  If we do something that brings a pleasant result then we are more likely to repeat that action.  This is reinforcement.  There are two kinds of reinforcement – positive and negative.  

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Positive reinforcement is when something we don’t like occurs and we are comforted.  E.g. a parent comforts a frightened child.  If the level of comfort begins to drop then the child will make more fuss to get the comfort.  The parent reinforces the behaviour by offering the comfort/attention demanded by the child.  

Negative reinforcement is when something we don’t like is avoided therefore the unpleasant consequence/situation does not occur.  E.g. a child hates swimming and finds the whole experience of going to the pool unpleasant.  By not going to the pool the unpleasant experience is avoided, this ...

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