Arab-Israeli Conflict

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Syedul Miah

Coursework questions on Palestine

  1. Throughout the 20th century there had been increased tension between the Arab nation and Israel. These tensions led to several clashes and many deaths as well as war between these two nations in 1956, 1967 and 1973. I believe the reasons for war were because of Colonel Nasser’s personality and actions. One reason is because his actions were provocative, where he outraged western countries by forming an alliance with the USSR, who was in the cold war against the USA. The west feared this alliance would spread and they allied with Israel to stop the threat from spreading. Nasser took another action which created further tension in the world, when he nationalised the Suez Canal. As a result, the USA and Britain cancelled loans to Nasser to pay for the Aswan Dam. Instead, Nasser used the tolls which were paid by ships so he could pay for the Aswan Dam. Britain and France feared that he was attempting to remove Western influence from the Arab countries and soon they would be going to war with Egypt. The next nation Nasser was to upset was France. Nasser supported the Arabs fighting in Algeria against the French colonisers who then made secret negotiations with Britain on a military invasion on Egypt. Furthermore, Nasser was also being supplied with weapons from the Czechs, who were allies with the USSR and to arouse more fears, he also aimed to unite all Arab countries under his leadership. To worsen matters, he then closed off the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli ships, cutting off their access to the Red Sea. These actions led to war in 1956. The British and French attacks on Egypt were met by angry protests from around the world, and their humiliation led to Nasser popularity increasing amongst the Arabs, and Nasser now had a united Arab nation at his command. The crushing defeat which the Arabs endured meant that Nasser was even more eager for revenge and to stimulate war in 1967 Nasser banned the Gulf of Aqaba to all Israeli ships and he also had a united Arab world and soon war followed. In 1970, Nasser died, and his replacement decided to follow Nasser’s aims and get revenge for their defeats in 1956 and 1967, and in 1973, they went to war again. I believe that these wars were due to the behaviour and actions of Colonel Nasser. Nasser took extreme actions which he knew would anger western countries and upset Israel but he still went along with them. For these reasons, I believe that the Arab-Israeli wars of 1956, 1967 and 1973 were caused because of the behaviour of Nasser.
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  1. Oil has always played a huge part in the economy and many countries relied on the Arab states to provide oil for them, therefore, many countries did not want to upset the Arab countries. I believe that oil did play an important part in some of the wars; however there are other causes why war broke out.

Oil was a small factor in the war of 1956. The British prime minister, Anthony Eden feared that Nasser “will have to place their united oil resources under the control of a united Arabia led by Egypt and under Russian ...

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