Many rebellions broke out, these were known as the putsch. There were many putsches, such as the Kapp Putsches, Munich Putsch and the Beer Hall Putsch. The Rise of the Nazi Party was achieved over an incredibly short period of time. From the failure of the Munich Putsch and the imprisonment of Hitler, this turn around was down to a number of changes and policies implemented by the party within a very short period of time. The failure of the Putsch led Hitler to realise that the only way he would achieve power was through democratic, legal, means. As soon as the Putsch was over Hitler set about reorganising the party to enable such a turn around in the party’s fortunes.
Hitler was well aware of the Germans anger of the Treaty of Versailles. He used this for political gain, blaming the Jews, and promising to tear up the terms of the treaty. Whilst other groups also made similar claims, Hitler's party achieved a higher level of credibility amongst the German public by putting some of their methods into action. The SA was deployed to break up communist meetings, which won the support of the middle class. He made promises to farmers about the quality of life, and the guarantee of earning. Hitler gained support from the ex-soldiers by the military ideas Hitler used and his promise of ignoring the Treaty of Versailles and making up another army to their previous size. Once out of Prison Hitler was able to gain more popularity through speeches, he was a brilliant speaker and was very effective. Hitler’s use of Propaganda, the radio, posters and film shows, was promising. It won the support of many people and gave them hope. An image had been created of a powerful party with strong leadership. One way that Hitler might have not gained his power legally was when the Reichstag burned down. Hitler blamed the communist but many historians thought it was Hitler himself. This gained more support for Hitler and less for the communists.
I believe that Hitler gained most of his power legally. He made speeches, propaganda and huge rallies. After Hitler got out of prison Hitler decided that he had to gain support through democratic, legal ways. This was because his Putsches failed and the only way to gain support was to go legal. The only illegal possibility that Hitler did was the burning down of the Reichstag, which Hitler blamed the Reichstag. Most things Hitler did to gain power were legal.