Explain the main features of the New Deal

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Vicki Smith



Explain the main features of the New Deal

In the 1930s America hit its worst slump in history, in attempt to get Americans back to work, protect savings and property, and to provide relief for the sick, old and unemployed Roosevelt created the New Deal. The three main aims were relief, recovery and reform.

The first period of Roosevelt’s presidency was named ‘The First Hundred Days’, during this first hundred days Roosevelt worked around the clock to get America back on its feet. The first law to be passed was the ‘Emergency Act’, it meant that banks with properly managed accounts and with plenty of cash would be allowed to re-open. The ‘Economy Act’ was the next law to be passed. Nearly a billion dollars were saved when Roosevelt cut the pay of the government and cut budgets of government departments. The ‘Beer Act’ was later passed to make the manufacturing and selling of beer legal again.

Roosevelt gained the trust of the Americans by his ‘fire-side chats’; Roosevelt would talk over the radio to people in the country.                 

Roosevelt set up various government agencies designed to help the American people. They were called the ‘Alphabet Agencies’. One of the main aims of the alphabet agencies was to cut down unemployment. New public buildings, bridges and schools were many of the things built during the New Deal, it employed thousands of construction workers to build them.

The National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) was the government’s main weapon in saving the industry.

The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was made to help young unemployed men. Whilst living in camps the men carried out work, they planted new forests and helped solve flooding.

The Works Progress Administration (WPA) helped to solve unemployment. Hundreds of schemes involving building new hospitals, roads and schools were created.

The Social Security Act set up pension schemes and unemployment insurance.

To help farmers in drought-hit areas the Resettlement Administration (RA) was set up.

Some of these agencies were set up through the Second New Deal, which Roosevelt created later on. It was thought that his aims of the Second New Deal were mainly reform, making long-term changes in America.

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All these factors made it seem as if the New Deal was for the better and that it helped to turn around America.

Explain why Roosevelt introduced the New Deal

Due to the Wall Street Crash in 1993 the American economy collapsed and fell into a state of depression. There were a number of problems in America in 1933, all of these problems mainly stemmed from the Wall Street Crash. Americans needed to be rescued from this depression and quickly. At the time of the depression Herbert Hoover was in charge, it seemed as if he was ...

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