The first Nazi policy towards woman was for woman to have lots of children and therefore increase their population. The main reason for this policy was to increase the countries population therefore increasing their countries power by enabling them to be able to go to war safely. The Nazi's used a medal system as an incentive and a sign of their appreciation for playing their role in the state by 'donating a baby to the fuhrer.' The Nazi's awarded medals to prolific mothers on mothering Sundays. Bronze medals were awarded to mothers with four or five children, silver for mothers with six or seven children and gold medals where awarded by the fuhrer himself to mothers with eight or more children. Along side the medal system, abortion and the use of birth control was made heavily restricted to back up this policy.
The second Nazi policy towards woman is that woman should marry an Aryan man, a law was actually made for the encouragement of marriage in 1993. The Nazi's granted interest free marriage loans to woman who had left work and married an Aryan man. The amount to be repaid fell by a quarter with every child born, therefore if a granted couple had four children the repayment would be cancelled altogether. The reasons for this policy is linked to the first policy as by encouraging and increasing marriages, Hitler was encouraging the couples to have children and increase his countries population. However the marriage loans served a second significant purpose, as discussed previously they were only available to woman who married Aryan men so therefore this policy was also important in creating Hitler's 'superior race.'
The Nazi's third policy was that woman should not go to work but keep to the three k's (Kinder, Kirch and Kuche.) The Nazi's gave free training courses to woman as an incentive but also introduced the ideas to girls at a young age for example at Hitler youth meetings. The reason for this policy was to create the ideal German woman, who's role was unlike a man’s role, which was that of a provider and defender, a women’s role was a place in the house, having children and caring for the family.
Another policy that the Nazi's had towards woman was that the woman should not follow fashions and should lead a healthy lifestyle. The Nazi's encouraged this policy by again introducing the ideas to girls at a young age, most commonly at Hitler youth meetings, where they would do lots of physical exercise. The main reason for this policy was that the Nazi's believed healthy mothers produced healthy children.
In conclusion, The Nazi's were successful with their polices as there was an increase in birth rates and marriages of Aryan couples. However I believe Hitler went to bizarre extremes in the effort to create his 'perfect nation.'