How far was the policy of appeasement the most important cause of WW2?

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“How far was the policy of appeasement the most important cause of WW2?”

There were four main causes of ww2: the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler’s actions, the failure of the League of Nations and the failure of the appeasement. In this essay I am going to investigate how far was the policy of appeasement the most important cause of World War 2.

Appeasement allowed the British and French to ignore an approaching threat and produced a fake ‘peace’ that led to many deaths. Appeasement also bought Britain the precious time it needed to prepare for the war; which was inevitable at this point. However, this also gave Germany time to prepare for war.

Appeasement gave Hitler the idea that nobody would stand against his expansionist attitude. If the Appeasement policy had been abandoned by 1935, ww2 probably could have been avoided.

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Britain was economically damaged and knew that war was impossible to avoid, so they tried to buy time. The production of arms was stepped up. What Chamberlain brought back from his talks was time and it proved the balance between winning an unprovoked war.

Britain had not the economy or manpower to risk and survive a full-scale war with any country.  I think Chamberlain made a wise decision to appease Germany, who was in great debt after signing the Treaty of Versailles. Chamberlain also believed that peace and diplomacy was the answer in dealing with a leader such ...

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