The Causes of World War One

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The Causes of World War One

Assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914 at the hands of a Serbian nationalist secret society set in train a mindlessly mechanical series of events that culminated in the world’s first global war. Since then Balkan crisis is seen as one of the several reasons of the outbreak of world war one. To determine whether this factor over whelmed other reasons we have to examine both the long-standing rivalries between the powers and also the situations in Balkan during the time.

At first going through the long-standing rivalries between the great powers it will be seen texpansions in Asia and Africa. In the late 19th century European nations started to realize the necessity to put formal political control on their semi-autonomous, and independent colonies. The motive for such action was partly the rise of nationalist feelings amongst the native population and partly the growths of industrialization in Europe, which required new markets for manufactured goods. In Africa su t examples of Imperial tensions. According to historian A.J.P Taylor Germany during this time tended to intimidate Britain in Asia and in Africa to compel Britain to accept greater German dominance in Europe, thus suggesting a link between imperial conflicts and rise of tension in Europe. However such increase in tensions resulted into formation of new alliances, threatening already prevailed balance of power between exitinsystem, on one hand Franco-Russian alliance formed in1893, and on the other hand Austro-Hungarian alliance formed in 1879. The alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary already harbored tensions between her adversaries, as it was not provoked by any particular circumstance and also due to its secretive nature. And later when two anti Germanmany’s fear of being encircled by ‘enemy’ on both side. Germany’s fear reached its peak when German attempt to build alliance with Britain failed, and few years later another such attempt with Russia was in vain.

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In early 1900 long possessed British policy of splendid isolationism was coming to an end, as Britain realized the need for an ally. The reason for such ally seeking although was not anti Glliance with France it increased Germany’s already existing feeling of vulnerability. Looking at Britain’s motive it will be seen that the reason for alliance with France was mainly her weak economy compared to Germany, and also an effort to solve Imperial pe other hand being French ally became automatically a part of Entente, while combined German alliance of Italy, and Austro-Hungary remained as weak as before, ...

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