The Final Solution

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Hitler had made it very clear that he hated the Jews. His anti-Semitic views were developed in his youth and he blamed the Jews for Germany’s defeat in the First World War. In fact, one of the main policies of the Nazi’s was anti-Semitism. Hitler’s hatred of the Jews knew no bounds and used words like “deadly poison”, “vermin”, and “parasite” in his speeches and in his autobiography “Mein Kampff”, in which he portrayed them as a leering devil with infernal powers. Gradually, Hitler took more and more rights away from the Jews so that they could not have leading positions in the civil service, broadcasting, newspapers, education or entertainment. In 1934 all Jewish shops were marked with a yellow star or the word ‘Juden’ and in 1935, the Nuremburg Laws were passed which meant the Jews were no longer German citizens and they were forbidden to marry Germans/Aryans or have sexual relations with them.

  This was all part of the gradual build up against the Jews and at first the Nazis had curbed their terror tactics against Jews in order not to offend local and world opinion.

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  Many Jews fled Germany but despite the constant prosecution, many stayed and soon people were told not to buy goods in Jewish shops, and all kinds of anti-Semitism slogans were openly displayed. Jews found it difficult to purchase necessary goods like food, clothing and medicine and those who complained were sent to concentration camps where conditions were horrible and where many died from brutality.

 The fiercest attack on Germany’s Jewish population came on “the night of broken glass” in November 1938 after a Jew shot a Nazi official. Nearly 10000 Jewish shops had their windows smashed and goods looted ...

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