The importance of the WSPU between 1903-1914.

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The importance of the WSPU between 1903-1914

The WSPU, proved themselves to be very determine to succeed in what they did. They did a great deal for the women's suffrage movement and without their strength and determination I believe it would have taken women longer to gain the vote. Some do say that this group of women went the wrong way about it, but in the end they brought themselves publicity attention, and got their campaign noticed nation wide. The use of violence and protests in their campaign did numerous of times end them up imprisoned, but this showed how involved they were within the campaign and how nothing was going to stop them. Throughout the time between 1903 and 1914 the WSPU did a lot to get themselves noticed. This group wanted change, so they targeted the most important people in Britain who had the power to give women the vote, the government. Many times they marched to Downing Street and the Houses of Commons demanding to be listened too, and if they weren't they used violence to get their points across. This caused the Media to get involved and this is what the WSPU needed. At one of their protests it caused them to get on the front cover of newspapers, this was the first time a women's suffrage campaign had received headlines.
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Right the way through these years, the WSPU had made themselves involved in everything they could. With the strength of the Pankhursts to achieve their one goal for women this give the WSPU the strength to carry on, even though the hardest of times. With the information I received from the sources and my own research I have found that the WSPU maybe did go to far, but many didn't take the campaign seriously, many found it funny and would make a joke from the whole campaign. When they started to be force-fed and when the women would ...

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