The Cubans were accused on the theory that Kennedy ordered the assassination of Fidel Castro. Lyndon B. Johnson, Kennedy’s Vice President, supported the Cuban theory by saying, "I never believed that Oswald acted alone, although I can accept that he pulled the trigger”. The Cuban theory also gains credibility when more information about Oswald was learned. Harvey Lee Oswald supposedly adored the Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro. Critics believe that the Cubans hired Oswald to do the job for them. It was also later learned that Oswald had tried to visit the communist country not too long before the assassination.
Other conspiracy theorists believe that it was not the Cubans, but the KGB that was responsible for hiring Oswald. This seems very likely because it was later learned that Oswald actually lived in the Soviet Union for a short period of time before the murder. Oswald also spoke Russian and was completely obsessed with Russian music and literature. The Russians knew that Oswald was good with a gun and that they could use their nationality to persuade Oswald to commit the assassination.
The next theory is not like the previous two; it has nothing to do with Lee Harvey Oswald. Many people believe that it was the Mafia that was responsible for JFK’s death. It is said by some that the CIA hired a couple Mafia members to assassinate Castro. When the Mafia took too long, the CIA called off the Mafia “goons” which did not sit well the Mafia. Another reason why the Mafia was thought to have been involved was that supposedly mobster Sam Giancana and John F. Kennedy himself were involved in a love triangle. The two men were allegedly sleeping with the same woman, her name was never revealed.
The next theory suggests that it was Oswald and at least one unknown accomplice. According to the Warren Committee a single bullet went through Kennedys head out the left side and also the right shoulder of Governor Connally. Skeptics say that this is impossible, suggesting a second gunman. This second gunman was famously paired with the “grassy knoll”. Like I stated earlier, there were suspicious puffs of smokes and dark images near a grassy knoll in many pictures and videos, such as the Zapruder film. In a report not confirmed, a man with a metal detector 25 years after the shooting found bullet casings. The bullet casings were proven to be shot by the same weapon that killed Kennedy but the somehow “disappeared”. The government had the bullets but then denied the existences of them. Conspiracy theorists were sure to hop on the poor chain of custody and further the theory of the man on the grassy knoll.
Now it’s time for what the Warren Commission states and what the government agrees with. The Warren Commission states that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing John F. Kennedy. On the day of the murder Oswald went to work at the Texas School Book Depository and was seen with a bag which he said had curtain rods in them. At the time of the shooting on Oswald was on the 6th floor. After the shots were fired a co-worker of Oswald’s and a police officer searched the building and saw Oswald. Lee Harvey was obviously dismissed as a original suspect since he worked there and was supposed to be there. The officer then made his way up to the 6th floor only to find a snipers nest. This allowed the cop to put out a watch for Lee Harvey Oswald. A officer John D. Tippit was patrolling an area and saw someone who fit the description of Oswald. When the officer questioned Oswald, he immediately pulled a gun and shot Tippit 4 times. The officer died instantly. Oswald fled the scene but was later caught in a Texas movie theater. Oswald was arrested for killing John D. Tibbit, and then later accused of killing Kennedy. Lee Harvey Oswald never got to testify due to the fact that two days after being captured, was killed by Jack Ruby.
After researching even more then I didn’t know, I still believe that the assassination of John F. Kennedy will be solved at some point. The main problem of solving the case is the government’s ability to hide whatever they want from the public. There are still hundred of pieces of evidence that are hidden somewhere by the government, any one of those pieces may be the key to solving the murder. The mystery of the case still in fact keeps our nation, and even the world amused and curious. Maybe some day the public will fight enough so that some of the mysteries of the JFK murder will be solved. Standing up against the government to finally get a REAL answer could possibly set off a chain reaction, with the public fighting for even more answers: What is Area 51? Who was responsible for 9/11? Is there life outside of Earth?. The case will remain unsolved unless we take action, stand up and fight for what you believe. We will finally know soon enough.