Using your own knowledge and all the sources, assess the effectiveness of Nazi propaganda.

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Using your own knowledge and all the sources, assess the effectiveness of Nazi propaganda

Nazi propaganda was portrayed in a variety of ways. These included through speeches, culture, the media and films. Goebbels had chief control over Nazi propaganda and had to ensure that it was based on the Nazi beliefs and ideologies. However he realised how important it was to keep the propaganda subtle, without over exposing it, otherwise its effectiveness would have been hindered. It is clear that there is strong evidence suggesting that there were both flaws and successes in regard to Nazi propaganda. Obviously, there were those who were taken in by it and those who rejected it. The extent to which this was the case is difficult to determine as it is difficult to judge whether those in support were genuinely drawn in by the propaganda. The effectiveness of Nazi propaganda can be judged on two levels. Firstly how effectively the Nazi’s were in carrying out their propaganda, and secondly how effective were they in achieving their desired results from it.

Source 1 indicates that the efficiency in which Nazi propaganda was carried out was quite successful: ‘these were directives issued in the course of daily briefings at the Propaganda Ministry and transmitted to all editorial desks in the country.’ This is clear evidence suggesting Nazi propaganda was controlled and circulated efficiently, and that the general overall organization concerning propaganda was very well structured. Furthermore, ‘as soon as the editors concerned had assimilated their instructions they were duty bound to destroy every trace of them and sign affidavits to that effect.’ In short, any unwanted information was removed from newspapers and only that which would either benefit the Nazi regime or, at least was not be detrimental to it was left untouched. Therefore this shows that Nazi propaganda was at least very effectively displayed to the German people and it was now up to them to make up their minds. I believe the reliability of the evidence in this source can be trusted as is from a history book by an author who has no reason to lie. Furthermore, he is mainly focusing on facts, meaning there is little chance for him to be biased in portraying them.

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Source 2 also supports the view that the Nazis carried out their propaganda techniques effectively. Relating back to the censorship tactics regarding newspapers in source 1, the Deutsche Wochenshau ‘was the only source of information the Germans received of the outside world.’ ‘The Nazis also made extensive use of film because they recognised…that film was one of the most influential means of reaching a mass audience.’ This shows that Nazis acknowledged the best ways to carry out Nazi propaganda, so tactically made ‘extensive use’ of them. Furthermore, Goebbels, as head of his own credit bank, ‘advanced considerable sums to ...

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