Was Prohibition Bound To Fail?

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Was Prohibition Bound To Fail?


In this coursework I will explore the factors which lead prohibition

Of alcohol to fail. I will come to a conclusion on whether or not

The prohibition was bound to fail using several different sources.


Prohibition of alcohol in USA was introduced in 1920 due to a number

Of reasons. It was perhaps the most commonly violated law in the

History of the United States. The National Prohibition Act, or the

Vested act, stated that anything that contained over 0.5% of

Alcohol was now intoxicating and illegal. Exceptions were however

Made for alcohol used for medicine or industrial purposes.


Banning of alcohol was not a new idea in the United States, much of

The opposition to alcohol had been around for years. Protestants

Disapproved of alcohol strongly, it was seen as evil and threat to

Churchgoers who got drunk on a Saturday night and were hung over and

Unable to attend mass on Sunday morning.

Doctors sometimes blamed alcohol for babies who were born physically

Or mentally disabled and for deaths during pregnancy.


Alcohol had been frowned upon during World War I, it was said that

Many soldiers were not able to fire straight because they were

Drunk. The use of grain for brewing alcohol was momentarily banned

In some states in the USA because they felt much of the barley could

Be used as rations by the allies.


Question a)


Source A and B discuss the issues which led to the introduction of

Prohibition. Source A is from an American history book published in

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1973. Source B is from is also from an American history book, it was

Published in 1979. Source A does not come to a conclusion on what

Caused prohibition to come into place, Source B on the other hand,

Quite blatantly blames the Women’s Christian Temperance Union and

The Anti-Saloon League. Source A and B both agree that a criminal

Boom occurred because of the prohibition of alcohol but source B

Does not place as much emphasis on the crime side of prohibition, it

Does not go into the specifics of the crime ...

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