Was World War 1 the main reason for the abdication of the Tsar

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In the early 20th century in Russia, there were many underlying issues about Russia and how they had previously conducted themselves, such as the Russo Japanese war which led to a poor economy, and the fact it was so difficult to govern. After the revolution in 1905, issues with the autocracy and ruling had started to build. There were changes happening in the cities and the countryside and World War One started. Here are the reasons why World War One was the most important reason for the abdication of the Tsar and why not.

Firstly, there were already issues within Russia, the size of the country had grown 50% over the last 100 years and the way the country was ruled – from within Moscow and St Petersburg – made life very difficult for those in the south and east. Russia's systems for agricultural production influenced the attitudes of peasants and other social groups to reform against the government and promote social changes. At the beginning of the twentieth century, agriculture was the single largest sector of the Russian economy, producing one-half of the national income and employing two-thirds of Russia’s population. This shows the huge role peasants played. At the end of the 19th century, Russian agriculture as a whole was the worst in Europe. The Russian system of agriculture lacked investment and technological advancement. Both the crop and livestock system failed to be adequate to withstand the Russian winters and the harsh summers in Central Asia. Along with the agricultural failures, Russia had a rapid population growth, railroads expanded across farmland, and inflation attacked the price of food. Agricultural difficulties, completely different climates, and massively increasing inflation all lead to the start of the Bolshevik regime.
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Next, issues in the city can also be related towards the abdication of the Tsar. Between 1905 and 1914, industrial production increased by 100% yet workers didn’t get a better working condition, a better pay or a better life. Moscow was a densely populated city meaning that if one person was unhappy or shared their views against the Tsar with someone else it could make a huge impact very quickly and the Bolsheviks capitalised on that very quickly making noise creating concerns that the unhappy public started blaming the Tsar for. This could be argued as the main ...

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