What priory did Hitler give to the undoing the Treaty of Versailles? Are Historians in agreement on how he would achieve his goals?

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What priory did Hitler give to the undoing the Treaty of Versailles? Are Historians in agreement on how he would achieve  his goals?

Undoing the Treaty of Versailles was one of three Nazi aims for its foreign policy but it was not the most important for Hitler, but it was necessary to achieve as the other policy aims of Volk and Lebensraum were tied to it.

Two schools of thought exist on how he would achieve his goals- Hugh Trevor Roper’s ‘Masterplan’ theory and Taylor’s ‘Opportunist’ theory. Currently the consensus among the historians is that Hitler did have clear goals but he adapted a flexible approach to achieving them. The three aims in Hitler’s foreign policy were to undo the Treaty of Versailles, unite all speaking Germans and Lebensraum (living space).

 Hitler picked the treaty first - this was because he knew it would be extremely popular with the German people and therefore he would get support, and also the Nazis would consolidate their support. The German politicians had already stopped paying reparations in 1929, and had so far not come into trouble with allies over it. So, because of this, Hitler assumed that he could get away with more breaches of the treaty. This already shows us his opportunist side; that he prepared to build on the work that the politicians had already started.

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Hitler's ideal of Volk and Lebensraum linked into the treaty. By invading countries ( and breaking the treaty, ) he was uniting his fellow Aryans and creating more living space at the same time. These polices also linked into his racial views and also his beliefs the inferior races in the East did not deserve land.

Hugh Trevor-Roper claimed that Hitler’s Foreign Policy were outlined in ‘Mein Kampf’ and Hitler’s ‘Zweite Buch’. He claims that Mein Kampf was a “complete blueprint” of Hitler’s intentions, and that the second book had outlined a 5 stage plan: Undoing the Treaty of Versailles, ...

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