Why did the Nazis treatment of the Jews change from 1939-1945?

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Why did the Nazis treatment of the Jews change from 1939-1945?

The treatment of the Jews degraded from the years 1939-1945. Gradually it worsened as new measures came into place. The first primary reasons for this were Hitler becoming chancellor and reinforcing his views on the country, these events happened in the early 1930’s. From the late 1930’s the Jews were not treated with the best conditions. The Nuremberg laws took away all the Jewish legal power and stripped them of their rights. In 1938, Kristallnacht took place and destroyed many Jewish businesses as well as killing 100’s. This was when the idea of killing the Jews was beginning to form in the Nazis minds. Subsequently, the Jews were being liquidized into ghettos. These were areas packed to the full with the worst possible conditions: there was no hygiene and housing was ill-bred. The word ghetto itself represents the Jewish quarter.  The greatest change in the treatment of the Jews was the final solution. This was decided at the Wannsee conference in 1942. It was made in order to try and solve the growing problem of keeping all the Jews in one place. The decision was that they would not be able to keep them all alive; this was because of the huge pressure they would have to face containing much vaster amount than already because of the countries they would take control of and invade. Therefore, the method of exterminating the Jews came to be known. After the conference Jewish killings increased and escalation of the final solution began. Extermination of the Jews led to the invention of the death camps where the Jewish people would be gassed. The secondary reason the treatment of the Jews changed thereafter was the outbreak of war. This meant that all the countries the Nazis invaded would have a huge population of Jews; this made it harder for them to be controlled. Also Hitler feared that the Nazis would hamper the Nazis war effort. Throughout this essay I will describe how the treatment of the Jews changed through the years 1939-1945.

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In 1939, Hitler began transporting the Jews into Ghettos. The ghettos were pats of Germany that was conserved away form the rest of the country. This was done by walls and fences. The ghettos were very overcrowded therefore the conditions the Jews had to face were very unhygienic and dirty. The walls made sure that no-one was able to cross to visit the Jews and vice versa. Anyone who tried to cross was killed. Ghettoization happened because the Nazis didn’t want the Jews to mix with the Germans and polluting their society, additionally the Nazis wanted to seen superior and ...

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