Database Coursework estate agent

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The Smiths’ estate agents are not a technologically advanced company which own a shop on Weston high street. They only sell houses in the local area. They have their agents to fill in forms on the properties they see along with a picture of the property. This is then given a unique number and filled in a cabinet. The details are then copied up and put on a card in the shop window  

Identifying the problem

The problem with their system is that it takes a long time to find the correct file. As the business is expanding it is becoming increasingly harder to find files and some have even been mislaid. This method is also taking up space as each file is put in a large filing cabinet which takes up a lot of space. They have asked me to make a database on which all of the houses can be stored.


The advantages of using computers

It is better to use a computer based system because it takes up less space than a paper based system. It is also easier to find files as you can automatically search by price, ID, location and others. It also takes up practically no space as all files are stored on the hard drive so there is no need for filing cabinets. It will also be cheaper in the long run as no paper will need to be used except for advertising properties. The program I could use could be a spreadsheet. This can organise the data and easily move through out it. Also I could use a presentation package. This could make the records look good for the window and show them individually on the screen. I have decided on a database program because this can organise the data and display the records individually and corporately.

 The employees may need to be trained to use the system.

My objectives for the new computer system are:

  1. To create an easy to use, working database
  2. To create a more efficient system for staff to search through for relevant properties for customers.
  3. To create a stylish and corporate looking database
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Data Input

        The data input will be collected by the estate agent surveying the house. It will be put into the main system and then can be accessed by all estate agents. The agents can also take a digital camera to take a photograph of the property and can then be uploaded into the database.

For the input into my database I will need to put in several field names such as price, address, number of bedrooms ID number etc.

Data Process

        The database will organise the information alphabetically, numerically or by specific ...

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