Email, Or Electronic Mail, Is Becoming More And More Popular As People Learn To Communicate Again With Written Words. For Many Purposes It Is Superior To A Phone Call Because You Don't Have To Catch The Person In And You Can Get Straight To The Point. No Time Is Wasted On Casual Conversation. It Also Leaves A Written Record To Refer Back To For A Response Or If You Forget Who Said What. Email Is Superior To The Traditional Office Memo Because It Uses No Paper (Save The Trees!!) And It Can Be Sent To A Whole List Of People Instantly.
Purpose: Transmitting Messages Between Computer Users
Major Advantage: Speed For Communication And The Lower Cost .
Major Disadvantage: You Don't Know If The Receiver Actually Reads It, Though You Can Find Out If They Received It. Of Course In A Phone Conversation You Don't Really Know If The Person Is Actually Listening Either!
With No Body Language Or Vocal Intonations It Is Difficult To Convey The Emotional Tone You Want.
Introduction to Email Security
Today email is so widely used that it has become the default means of communication where the correspondents feel that they can discuss matters that can be kept between them. We analyze below how this might be a dangerous illusion, especially when discussing matters with legal, business or political content and I but may comment to use email safety .
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Peer Reviews
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Quality of writing
The report states the term 'E-Mail' and explains this means 'Electronic Mail', however the report hasn't given a description of what an e-mail account is and how this is used as a means of communication between a number of people. This would make a good introduction for the report, however this isn't contained within the report. The sub-sections title's could be in Bold, as the report states 'Introduction To Email Security', I didn't notice that this was a new section at first. Thus, it's important to clearly separate the report using clear sub-titles.
Level of analysis
The report states how using e-mails could place the user at an disadvantage if there receive a virus via e-mail. Further more the report states how 'The Melissa' virus was spread. Using this example/case study is good, as this shows relevant understanding of a real situation. However for high marks, the report could show a screenshot of what an e-mail will look like, with this virus within the message. This would allow the examiner to visualize the report.
Response to question
In summary, the report explains a number of benefits and drawbacks regrading e-mail accounts. In addition, the report contains a good list of measures to undertake. However the background information on 'Secure Your Communication E-mail' is lacking detail and doesn't explain what each point means.The report states one major benefit and one major drawback, this is quite good. As this allows the examiner to understand the key advantage and the key disadvantage. The student briefly talks about securing the e-mail account by using a 'Gateway', however the student doesn't describe what is meant by this. The examiner would still be wondering how this applies to securing an e-mail account. The list of 'Email Security Guidelines' are quite good. As these bullet points haven't listed a brief understanding. The student has justified the reason to why the measure should be undertake to prevent against any attack via e-mail. This section will gain the student high marks.