- Some of the fields in the tables must be validated in order to accept reasonable or valid data.
I have met this by validating some of the fields, so if a user enters invalid data an error message will come up on eh screen telling the user that invalid data is entered.
- The Member ID field must be the key field.
I have met this by making the Member ID field the fey field, and I have made this field as an auto number so that the number will be computer generated, so that nothing else can be entered in this field
- There must be a command button linking back to the main page.
I have met this by putting a back button on all of my forms so that by pressing this button, it will allow the user to go back to the main page.
- There must be a command button letting you add a new Member.
I have met this by putting a button on my ‘members’ form that allows the user to add a member by just a click of a button.
- There must be a command button letting you delete a member.
I have met this by putting a button on my ‘members’ form that allows the user to delete a member by just a click of a button.
- There must be a command button letting you save a new member.
I have met this by adding a button on the ‘members’ form, which allows the user save a member, by just clicking the button
- The parameter Query should ask a question regarding the telephone number of a member
I have met this by inputting a criteria for the parameter query which is: [Please enter your telephone number] this will ask the user what the telephone number of the member is.
- All the forms in the system must look identical.
I have met this by using the same header for every form; by using the same logo, by putting the businesses name on the every form, and using the same background colour for every form.
- There must be a command button letting you add a video.
I have met this by putting a command button on the videos form, to let the user add a video by clicking a button
- There must be a command button letting you delete a video.
I have met this by putting a command button on the videos form, to let the user delete a video by clicking a button
- There must be a command button letting you save a video.
I have met this by putting a command button on the videos form, to let the user save a video by clicking a button
- The Videos table must be linked to the loans table.
I have done this as the loans table and videos table are linked together through relationships in Microsoft access, so that all the information in different databases can be searched in one query.
- The Videos database table must have the field headings; Video ID, Video title, Genre, Rating, and the format.
I have done this by making the titles of the table the ones that are listed above. The reason why I have done this is because it makes the system very easy to understand as these field headings are self-explanatory
- The system must look attractive
I have done this by inserting logos of the business, and changing the background of the form to yellow which makes it look very attractive, I have also changed all the font colours in these forms to orange, to make it look attractive.
- The video ID must be set as a key field
I have met this by making the Video ID field the fey field, and I have made this field as an auto number so that the number will be computer generated, so that nothing else can be entered in this field
- The system must be easy to understand/Use
I have met this by using simple words for the headings of each table, I have kept it as simple as possible so that Mr Patel would not get too complicated for Mr Patel. I have also labelled every command button. There are also different command buttons to do different jobs.
- The parameter query should look up the correct information.
I have met this by putting the parameter queries in square brackets, this will work when the question of the parameter query is put in squared brackets.
- The information about the members and the videos must be present in the query
I have met this by inputting all the fields for the videos and members in the query. I have done this so that the user would know the name of the member who has overdue videos.
- The mail merge letter must have the details of the members
I have done this by including all the fields of the members in the letter, so that it would be easy for the user to tell who the letter is for
- Their must be a template created of the mail merge letter.
I have met this by creating a template for the letter before actually making the mail merge; this would help the user so that he would not have to retype the letter every time.
- The system must show the correct people who have overdue loans
I have achieved this by making a query which shows all the members information and all the loans information, when the parameter query is filled in, it will show all the people who have overdue video’s
- The system must show the loan details
I have done this by inputting all the loans fields on the table, so that it shows all the loans information on the table.
- The parameter query must ask a question regarding when the loan was due back.
I have met this by inputting a parameter query which will ask the user for today’s date, it will be put in squared brackets and will look like this: [Please enter today date?]
- The system should be made in a way that it is reusable
I have achieved this by inputting parameter queries that can be reused for example ‘please enter today’s date’ using this question the system will be reusable.
- The mail merge letter must look formal
I have achieved this by using the correct font for my letter, as I have also inserted Mr Patel’s signature on the letter, and have used an appropriate font for this.
Overall I believe that I successfully met all my performance criteria in creating this database. I also believe that I don’t need to do any major corrections to my system.