ICT Ao1 Hardware
Hardware Review Table For My System (AO1b) You must fill-in a hardware review table for each piece of hardware in your sub-system. This is to include ALL input, processing and output devices for each sub-system. Sub-system name. Million Air Database Printer Laser Explain what this device is used for. Printing out work onto paper Is this an Input, process or Output device? Output Details of Hardware Item I Will Use: Description of the actual hardware device I will use. A box shaped appliance that prints instructed materials. Uses a toner. Here is a picture of this device Advantages of using this device. Faster and better quality than other printers. Disadvantages of using this device. Expensive to replace. Other hardware that I could have used instead of this one are described on the next page. Another Hardware Device I Could Have Used Instead Device Name: Printer An alternative hardware device I could have used is... Inkjet Here is a picture of this device Description of this device Box shaped and prints out by heating ink. If I had used this device, the advantages would have been... Cheap to buy. Cartridges cost less. If I had used this device, the disadvantages would have been... Noisier than a laser printer. Colour printing can be extremely slow. Contrast and compare chosen device to alternative Device Name: Printer Both the printers are
Advantages of using Simulators
Introduction: Simulations are almost as good as the real thing. It is a program designed to copy a real-life situation. Simulators: Using a simulator has some advantages, they are as follows; . It is much safer, as people are not injured. 2. It is a cheap option as expensive models or full size mock ups don't need to be built. 3. No equipment is damaged. 4. Modifications can be made easily and re-tested quickly. Some disadvantages of a simulator are as follows: . A poor model will give unreliable results. 2. Simulations cannot completely re-create the pressures that a person might be under in a real-life situation. 3. Producing an effective model might be time consuming. 4. Running the simulation might require expensive hardware or software, like with Virtual Reality (VR). A simulation is carried out using a model. A model is an artificial re-creation of an object or trend and should behave in the same way as the real thing. A simulation is when a model is used to carry out an activity that copies real-life occurrences. For example, when a bridge designer uses a model to simulate what will happen when the bridge is actually used. A computer model is created using programmed instructions and equations. An example would be a computer model of the way an aircraft behaves when it is in flight. There are different types of Computer Model, they are as follows; .
An Introduction To Modern Storage Devices
An Introduction To Modern Storage Devices There are many ways of storing information and data for use with modern computer systems and new developments are constantly being made. Many changes have occurred since the first personal computers were developed, allowing a lot more information to be stored, and on storage devices which are generally a lot smaller and easier to handle than methods of storage previously used. In the past two or three years, there has been a massive change in the emphasis that has been placed on certain storage devices. Whereas 3.5" floppy discs were practically the only commercially available storage medium available to the public there are now many more on offer. The biggest change has perhaps been that writeable and rewriteable CD's are now widely available to the public. For many people, CD-R's have now replaced the use of floppy discs, as they offer an inexpensive way of storing large amounts of data. A typical floppy disc stores 1.44 Mb's of data, whereas a CD-R stores 650 Mb and both offer a similarly priced product. Some examples of modern storage mediums are: * Mini Disc * Tape Drive * MP3 Card * Hard Disk Drives * CD ROM * Zip Disk * DVD The major advances in the ability to store larger amounts of data is not only desireable, but essential as computers become more complex each day. As computing technology develops, much more
I will describe the hardware I have used in my system, the way they work and the advantages and disadvantages.
Hardware Hardware is any physical part of the computer which can be touched or seen. These are the main types of hardware: * Monitor * Mouse * Keyboard * Disk Drives * Printer * Speakers * Tower Monitor Disk Drive Speakers Printer Tower Mouse Keyboard Types of hardware There are four types of hardware. Input Input is that type of hardware which is used to enter data into the computer. Process Process is that hardware which manipulates the inputted into useful form. Storage Storage is where the data is stored. Output Output devices allow you to view information produced after data has been processed. These are the following hardwares I used; Input Keyboard, mouse and scanner Process Central Processing Unit Storage RAM, USB flash drive and hard disk Output Printer and monitor In the following table I will describe the hardware I have used in my system, the way they work and the advantages and disadvantages. Name of device Price The way it works Advantages Disadvantages Keyboard £20 When a letter, number or a symbol is pressed on the keyboard then a signal is immediately sent to the CPU. Then the CPU
All of this technology means that a blind or partially sighted person is able to do everything
How ICT Effects A Person With Special Needs In this piece of coursework I will be examining how ICT has helped a person with special needs. The person I will be looking at is Paddy McGinty, who suffers from Juvenile Macular Degeneration. This causes the light sensing cells in the back of the central region of the retina to malfunction and will eventually die, which leads to gradual loss of central vision. This basically means that Paddy can no longer see something in full if he looks at it directly, and only if he looks at it from the side. He is also colour blind when looking directly at something, but can see it in colour if he looks at it from the side. This means that he has to be very organised when dealing with clothes so not to put on the wrong colour item. Paddy found out he was colour-blind at 16, when he took an eye test when applying for a job as an electrician. They found out that he couldn't distinguish between colours and he failed the test and couldn't become an electrician and so he became an engineer. Although colour blind, he got his driving licence when he was 22. In 1988 he was registered as Partially Sighted and 2 years later he was registered blind. Being blind, in government terms, means that he is 80% disabled, so this means that he couldn't do many things that he did before, such as drive and do the work that he did before. He became less able to do
The Manager of a shop in Kirkham Mr. Peterson (Eclipse) has asked me to produce a presentation for the release of the new console Xbox to run in the shop windows that will display all the new features and games coming for it.
Presentation Package - Xbox Presentation The Manager of a shop in Kirkham Mr. Peterson (Eclipse) has asked me to produce a presentation for the release of the new console Xbox to run in the shop windows that will display all the new features and games coming for it. Before this idea he used to just put a few posters up displaying the information. To produce this poster the manger used to just design the posters by hand and photocopy them. This is one manual way of designing the poster the new way will look better\professional and will be a lot easier to produce. There are a number of possible methods of solving this problem. I could use an animation but school does not have one of these. I have used a language called visual basic before. This lets me move text and pictures but this is very time consuming and I don't know how to do this. The only quick and simple solution would be to use a presentation package like Microsoft PowerPoint or Lotus Freelance. The manager of Eclipse wants the following to appear in the presentation: * The slide show should attract more attention by different animation effects * Information on the release dates and costs of the products * Reviews of at least 5 games and some hardware reviews. * There should be a clear, introductory slide including a picture and information about the Xbox console. * The slide show should be stay the same
ICT Unit 4 Networks Notes - LAN and WAN networks
Unit 4 Computer Networks . What is a network A network is a system that sends and receives data and messages enabling two or more computers to communicate with each other Networks typically allow computers to share files, share printers and send messages to each other The typical hardware devices that from part of a network are: * Personal computers used as terminals * One or more central processing units acting as dedicated file servers or print servers * Disk drives * Scanners * Printers 2. Types of network There are two types of network: LAN - Local Area Network A network contained within one building or site called a Local Area Network (LAN). WAN - Wide Area Network A network that spans several sites across a city, country or even the world is called Wide Area Network (WAN). a) Local Area Network (LAN) A LAN is a Local Area Network covering a small area such as one building e.g. in a scholl or college. Within a LAN, computers and other hardware devices are connected to the file server. This allows the computers to share resources. b) Wide Area Network (WAN) A WAN is a Wide Area Network covering a large geographical area. A wide area network is not confined to one building. The hardware that forms part of the network can spread around the world. Within a WAN, many terminals are connected to the host computers. This allows networks to cover a large
Hardware used in my created system - inputs and outputs
AO1b The hardware my system will use is a keyboard and mouse for input and it will use a monitor and a printer for output. The actual computer tower itself is obviously required hardware, and includes a hard drive, RAM for process storage, the CPU to run all the processes in the computer and there are other things too. The wage slip is my output product (as well as the leaflet), as it is what I want to get out of my system. The input is the data in the spreadsheet, and the spreadsheet is obviously the store of this data. The process itself is getting the input to the output, and the way we do that is by using mail merge. Mail merge automatically moves the data from where we input it into our wage slip which will be printed, which is our output. Each part of my system needs hardware. The input which is the data requires a keyboard. Storage requires a hard drive, obviously. The process requires a CPU and RAM to function and the output (wage slip) requires a printer & monitor. My system can be described as a number of subsystems. The wage slip is a system in itself, having the spreadsheet as input data and storage, the actual mail merge being the process then the wage slip being your output. But deeper down, the spreadsheet alone is a system, with data entered in as input, the cells storing the data. Then the processes are the formulas manipulating the data, finally giving us
The Computer Mouse.
Computer Mouse Geoff Williams Netty Griggs Year 2 20089227 The Computer Mouse The computer mouse first came about in the early 1980's. The idea being that the movement from the users hand could be turned into signals that the computer could read moving the cursor around and also allowing the buttons to function when pressed. Today there are a few different types of computer mice on the market. These being the mice that use the traditional tracking ball, the optical mouse and the mouse that has no physical connection to the computer. The most common mouse found near a computer today is the traditional mouse that uses the tracking ball. This is the same method as was used when the mouse was first released in the 1980's. The track ball inside the mouse touches the desk when it is moved. When the ball moves the motion is detected by two perpendicular axis, one which detects x axis directional motion and the other y-axis direction motion. Tracking Ball Perpendicular axis motion detectors Hole in which track ball would sit The diagrams above show the tracking ball and the hole in which the tracking ball sits. You can see the x and y axis motion detectors of which the y-axis detector lies 90? from the x-axis detector. These motion detectors are also known as rollers. When the mouse is in use the tracking ball moves moving one or both of the rollers. Each
Make a website.
Shivangee Maurya 9V GCSE ICT Full Course 15/06/07 Hardware I have chosen to make a website I will choose all my hardware and software according to making a website. Hardware Hardware is pieces of equipments which let you do things the basic computer for example mouse, keyboard screen and etc. Mouse- the mouse will be used to drag pictures around the website and edit text and images There are many different types of mouse's we can use and come across the two I have chosen are optical mouse and a ball mouse. A mouse is an input device. They are pointing devices and input device it allows the user to control the movement on the screen. Roller ball Mouse This a mouse which has a ball underneath it and that is how it works the ball acts as the cursor. It is very similar to an optical mouse however an optical mouse works by a light instead of a ball. Advantages * Easy to use. * Very cheap to buy. * Very easy to find in shops. Disadvantages * The ball gets clogged up and can stop working if the lots of dirt get caught in it. * Can very easily break. * Wires can sometimes get tangled. Optical Mouse An optical mouse is mouse which has a light at the bottom of it which acts like the cursor. It is very similar to a roller ball mouse however works by a light in stead of a ball. The light detects the movement you are making and