Beyond Pythagoras.

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Mathematics Coursework - Beyond Pythagoras

Sam Coates

In a right angled triangle, Pythagoras came to the conclusion that on a right angled triangle the addition of the squares of the two smallest sides are equal to the square of the longest square. Thus the equation - a²+b²=c²

Pythagorean Triples are numbers which are positive integers that comply with the rule.

For example, the numbers 3, 4, and 5 satisfy the condition

3² + 4² = 5²

because 3² = 3x3 =9

4² = 4x4 = 16

5² = 5x5 = 25

and so      

3² + 4² = 9 + 16 = 25 = 5²


Testing the Theory

I will now have to find out if the following sets of numbers satisfy a similar condition of (smallest number) ² + (middle number) ² = (largest number) ².

a) 5, 12, 13

5² + 12² = 25 + 144 = 169 = 13²

b) 7, 24, 25

7² + 24² = 49 + 576 = 625 = 25²

The right angled triangle satisfies the condition.

2) Perimeter

I looked at the table and noticed that there was only 1 difference between the length of the middle side and the length of the longest side. And also if you can see in the shortest side column, the numbers increase by the odd numbers from 3 upwards. I have also noticed that the area is

½ (shortest side) x (middle side).

I will need to determine some algebraic rules, firstly for the:

  • Shortest side 
  • Middle side 
  • Longest side 
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In finding out the formula for the shortest side I predict that the formula will be something to do with the differences between the lengths (which is 2). But I don’t know the formula so I will have to work that out.

Firstly I will be finding out the formula for the shortest side.

Length -            3  5  7  9  11

1st difference -     2  2  2  2

The differences between the lengths of the shortest side are 2. This means the equation must be something to do with 2n.


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