How well can you estimate the length of an object?

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Maths GCSE Coursework

How well can you estimate the length of an object?

In this coursework, I am going to investigate how well pupils can estimate length. I will ignore the estimated weight of the object as I am only investigating lengths. My hypothesis is that Year 11 is better at estimating the length of the bamboo stick than Year 7. I predict this because Year 11 will have more experience in estimating sizes than Year 7 as they are older.


I am going to sample 50 estimates from each year because there are too many estimates and not too much time for me to investigate them in. I feel that 50 is a good amount for me to select – it’s not too small and not too large. To select this amount of data, I will use random number sampling because it is easier and more reliable. To do this, I will use the random number generator from my calculator and enter the data in the form of a table. I don’t need to assign each pupil a number as this has already been done for me on my data sheet.

I chose to multiply the random number generated by the calculator by 173. This is because the calculator will produce numbers with 3 decimal places from 0 to 1. Therefore, for me to achieve numbers from 0 to 173, I will have to multiply them by 173. I will do the same procedure for Year 11, but this time multiply the random numbers by 178 because this is the number of pupils in that year.

Success Criteria

My 3 success criteria are:-

  • Mean
  • Standard Deviation
  • Histogram

After sampling the data, I will construct a grouped frequency table for each year. This is so that I can calculate the frequency density from the table and also I will draw a histogram from the results.

   I will then construct another 2 tables, this time to calculate the standard deviation for each year, as well as the mean. For my hypothesis to be correct, the mean for Year 11 should be closer to the true value of the bamboo stick than the mean for Year 7. I also expect the standard deviation for Year 11 to be lower than that of Year 7.

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   I will draw 2 histograms from the 2 grouped frequency tables for each year. The purpose of the histograms is to double check the data and to illustrate the dispersion of data between the 2 years. From the histogram I will find out the frequency of guesses within 20cm of the actual length. The year with the most guesses will be more accurate.

This is how I have achieved my first random sample:-

  • Shift Ran#    =  0.884
  • 0.884 x 173  =  152.932
  • round the number off to 153. therefore that is my first sample.    
  • ...

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