T totals - translations and rotations

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T-totals coursework

By Michael Ogolo

My T number is 20 as you can see on my 9by9 grid and I will be representing this as N in my equation. My T total is 1+2+3+11+20= 37. The number in my T shape directly above the T number is 9 places back in the grid so it is N-9. The number directly above this number is also 9 places back in the grid so it is N-9-9= N-18. The two remaining numbers in the T shape are N-18+1 and N-18-1. Thus the T total is:

N+ (N-9) + (N-18) + (N-18+1) + (N-18-1) = 5N-63

Rotated translation 90 degrees anti-clockwise

My T number is 21 as you can see on my 9by9 grid and I will be representing this as N in my equation. My T total is 28+19+10+20+21=98. The number in my T shape directly above the T number is 1 place back in the grid so it is N-1. The number directly above this is 1 place back in the grid so it is N-1-1= N-2. The two remaining numbers in the T shape are N-2+9 and N-2-9. Thus the T total is:

N+ (N-1) + (N-2) + (N-2+9) + (N-2-9) = 5N-63

Vertical translation, rotated 180 degrees clockwise

My T number is 11 as you can see on my 9by9 grid and I will also be representing this as N in my equation. My T total is 11+12+13+4+22=62. The number in my T shape directly above the T number is 1 place ahead on my grid so it is N+1. The number directly above this is 1 place ahead in the grid so it is N+1+1= N+2. The two remaining numbers in the T shape are N+2+9 and N+2-9. Thus the T total is:

N+ (N+1) + (N+2) + (N+2+9) + (N+2-9) = 5N-63

Rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise

My T number is 21 as you can see on my 9by9 grid and I will also be representing this as N in my equation. My T total is 21+12+3+2+4= 42. The number in my T shape directly above the T number is 9 places back on the grid so it is N-9. The number directly above this is also 9 places back on the grid so it is N-9-9= N-18. The two remaining numbers in the T shape are N-18-1 and N-18+1. Thus the T total is:

N+ (N-9) + (N-18) + (N-18+1) + (N-18-1) = 5N-63

Horizontal translation

My T number is 22 as you can see on my 9by9 grid and I will also representing this as N in my equation. My T total is 22+13+4+3+5= 47. The number in my T shape directly above the T number is 9 places back on the grid so it is N-9. The number directly above this is also 9 places back on the grid so it is N-9-9= N-18. The two remaining numbers in the T shape are N-18+1 and N-18-1. Thus the T total is:

N+ (N-9) + (N-18) + (N-18+1) + (N-18-1) = 5N-63

Horizontal translation

My T number is 23 as you can see on my 9by9 grid and I will also be representing this as N in my equation. My T total is 23+14+5+4+6= 52. The number in my T shape directly above the T number is 9 places back on the grid so it is N-9. The number directly above this is also 9 places back on the grid so it is N-9-9= N-18. The two remaining numbers in the T shape are N-18+1 and N-18-1. Thus the T total is:

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N+ (N-9) + (N-18) + (N-18+1) + (N-18-1) = 5N-63

Horizontal translation

My T number is 24 as you can see on my 9by9 grid and I will also be representing this as N in my equation. My T total is 24+15+6+5+7= 57. The number in my T shape directly above my T number is 9 places back on the grid so it is N-9.The number in my T shape directly above this is also 9 places back on the grid so it is N-9-9= N-18. The two remaining numbers in the T shape are N-18+1 and N-18-1. Thus ...

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