The Fencing Problem

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        Maths coursework        

Maths coursework



A farmer has exactly 1000 metres of fencing and wants to fence off a plot of level land.

She is not concerned about the shape of the plot, but it must have a perimeter (or circumference) of 1000m.

She wishes to fence off the plot of land, which contains the maximum area.

Therefore, my aim is to investigate the shape, or shapes that could be used to fence in the maximum area using exactly 1000 metres of fencing each time.


I will start with working out the area of rectangles as it is easy to find its area.

22,500m2           40,000m2            52,500m2            60,000m2        62,500m2


60,000m2           52,500m2             40,000m2           22,500m2



The table shows that the maximum area of a rectangle with a perimeter of 1000m is a 250 x 250 square.


In the graph, if we look at one point on either side of the highest point, they are clearly less than the maximum point, which proves that a square has the highest area.


Next, I will look at the maximum area of a triangle with a perimeter of 1000m.

I will use the cosine rule to work out one of the angles:

Cos A = (b2 + c2 – a2) / (2bc)

Cos A = (2502 + 3502 – 4002) / (2 x 250 x 350)

Cos A = 0.14 so A = 81.787o

Now that I have one angle, I can work out the area:

Area = ½ x b x c x Sin A

Area = ½ x 250 x 350 x Sin (81.787) = 43,301.27cm2

I will use the cosine rule to work out one of the angles:

Cos A = (b2 + c2 – a2) / (2bc)

Cos A = (333.32 + 333.32 – 333.32) / (2 x 333.3 x 333.3)

Cos A = 0.5 so A = 60o

Now that I have one angle, I can work out the area:

Area = ½ x b x c x Sin A

Area = ½ x 333.3 x 333.3 x Sin (60) = 48,112.5cm2

I think that the above triangle will give the highest area (for triangles) because with the rectangles, the one with the highest area was the square, which had all 4 sides the same length. Similarly, with the above triangle, all three sides were the same length and this meant that the above triangle had a higher area than the first one. However, to make sure that my prediction is right, I will work out the area of a triangle very similar to the one above.

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I will use the cosine rule to work out one of the angles:

Cos A = (b2 + c2 – a2) / (2bc)

Cos A = (3402 + 326.62 – 333.32) / (2 x 340 x 326.6)

Cos A = 0.5006 so A = 59.96o

Now that I have one angle, I can work out the area:

Area = ½ x b x c x Sin A

Area = ½ x 340 x 326.6 x Sin (59.96) = 48,074.02cm2

This shows that shapes with all sides the same length have the highest formula.

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