It can be seen that this text is aimed at young adults, who enjoy clubbing, and are aged between fifteen and thirty. Although the actual holiday is aimed at eighteen to thirty year olds, the article is aimed at a younger audience, this is to increase the popularity of the article by getting the younger audience wanting to go before they are actually allowed to go, and this will increase their will to go. This article uses techniques that show it is aimed at young adults, it uses slang, “fab” and “tons”, which is the language that young adults use. It also has a picture of young adults which would put older adults off if they wanted to go. The aim of this text is to promote the club 18-30 company and to persuade young adults to go to Majorca, to have fun, not to worry about getting drunk and how much it costs, “you’ll need a fair bit of wedge”; “a short stagger” and “keep…the…party animal happy!”.
The writer of superfamily has made the layout interesting, simple and basic. To make it interesting the writer has put a large picture of the resort in the middle of the article (in a wavy shape), and has put the title in a vertical, wavy boarder to the left-hand side of the article, this draws attention to the article straight away. The writer uses small, bold subheadings that are the same font as the text; the article has no logo and has no range of font. This makes the article simple and basic, these contrasts with the title and the picture and keeps the balance of the whole article right.
The writer uses formal, descriptive language such as, “pretty” and “beautiful”, this reveals the best points about the resort. The text has no slang but informs the reader about the resort in a chatty way. The text is not, strictly speaking, persuasive but it does inform the reader about the best parts of the resort. The writer uses a variety of sentences, from “Family excursions.” to “Imaginative, action packed and new for summer 2002.” This shows that this article needs an experienced reader to read this in order to understand it. The writer also uses bullet points so that the information can be found quickly.
The text is aimed at parents but the actual resort is aimed at families with children aged below the age of twelve. This is shown by lots of facilities, for children, being mentioned, “Relaxed daytime activities for all the family”, “children’s clubs” and “three new clubs for 3-12 year olds.”. It is also shown by the fact it uses complex sentences which children cannot read, but the writer uses a picture which would catch the child’s attention. This article has been written to inform families about a Majorca holiday and to help adults to go on holiday and not to worry about the children: “pagers or mobile phones available for peace of mind”.
The layout for Forever Young is very conventional, for example: the whole article is set out in boxes; there are bold subheadings and a bold title, which is all in the same font, and there is no logo, but there are two clear pictures. This makes the article clear, east to understand and straight forward, because having each subheading in a box makes the information in each easy to find. The text is put in three boxes. The bottom text box is set out in bullet point form for easy understanding.
The writer uses formal and factual language, for example, “50m to nearest shops and bars” and “dating back to 1299”. This text not only informs the reader about the holiday resort but also about the surrounding area as well, mostly “Puerto Pollensa”. The writer uses no slang or puns, which suggest it is for a more formal audience. The writer also uses complex sentences, “the Pollensa Park is … large…friendly…good facilities…quiet… relaxing…” which also suggest it is for a formal audience.
Forever Young is aimed at adults wanting to go on a tranquil, sightseeing holiday. This shown is by the description of the surrounding area: people who want to go sightseeing will want to know about the sights they are going to see before they go on holiday. The fact that formal language and complex sentences are used suggests that it is aimed at adults. The aim of this article is to persuade adults to go to Majorca and especially to Puerto Pollensa, “Majorca’s prettiest north coast resort”.
The brochure which best targets its audience is club 18-30. It does this because it understands what young adults are looking for in an article. It understands that young adults don’t worry about spelling errors, “majorca” and “what you get?”, or too much information about the resort: only one sentence describes the actual apartments, all they want is to find the information as quickly as possible, and to actually understand it.
In conclusion, presentation, language and style is important in attracting specific audiences, if all holiday brochures were set out and written the same, only one type of person would go on holiday. For example, if an article aimed at older adults was full of slang and had no information, about the resort, they wouldn’t go on that holiday because they didn’t know enough about it. A younger audience goes for an unconventional text and an older audience prefers a conventional text. The best way to write an article is to get the balance between the two, just right.