Order of events:
Words to do with the adverts (A3)
Analyse both adverts
Compare differences and similarities
Review the adverts
Comment on them what I like and dislike lucid personal interpretations
Design my own advert
Lips advert - This advert is based on a plain white background with two pictures and words on written in biro. It gives the image that the advert is done with biro with a couple of colour pictures on the advert. I was immediately attracted to this advert because of the big red lips which show up really well at first glance and then as you look at the advert a little more you realise it is slightly unconventional which intrigues you to read on.
In the first line of this advert “ How to become an INSTANT” you notice that the word instant is highlighted which gives you the impression that whatever this advert is about works really quick even instant. You then go on to read the second line ”Soup a Model “ which is the main pun of the advert, at first when you read this you think of becoming a super model but then realise it is a pun about soup. So far the advert has portrayed the image of being an instant super model just by reading the first couple of lines.
As you read on it talks about ‘ the perfect pout ‘, which may appeal to teenagers or young women who would love to have perfect voluptuous lips. It then goes on to talk about ‘ cut along dotted line, affix to chin and tilt upwards by 45 ’ which tells you what to do with the cut out lips and how to wear them and look like a super model. Point 2 talks about the soup its self they call it the ‘ slim a soup ‘ which give the impression that by drinking this you will be come instantly thin and attractive, like a model. It goes on to give you the instructions on what to do with the soup, and there is a arrow pointing towards the picture of the soup and it also has a lot of dashes round it to attract more attention to the key part of the advert, the soup.
I find with this advert although at first I was attracted to the lips by the time you have read the whole advert the soup stays in your mind due to the extensive highlighting of dashes around the picture of the soup.
Dress advert –This advert also follows the idea of biro doodles on a plain piece of paper. This one is ver plain and the only colour is of the picture of the soup on the bottom left of the advert. Although this is the only colourful part of the advert it wasn’t what first attracted me, the first two lines attracted me “How to become an INSTANT
Soup a Model “ I was attracted to this because it is done in big bold lettering a lot different from the rest of the magazine. The first line is quite bold but the keyword instant is highlighted more. The second line is the biggest and boldest with the key pun in it “ Soup a Model “. This not only puts the idea of soup in your head but when you drink this soup you will become an instant super model, by loosing weight etc. This line is also underlined by a floral doodle, which brings your eyes to give this pun more attention. The advert then goes on to talk about two points the first one being ‘ the wardrobe’ this is written in a slightly bold type. They probably used the wardrobe, as it is a key thing that links women to the thought of style and even super models.
You then read on ‘cut the dotted line attach to and dangle from your latest item of clothing ‘. This is what everyone wants an expensive little black number, and on the label it has “ size 6” which again gives the impression that small sizes and loosing weight is linked to this soup. Point two is about the “slim a soup” this is following on from the “soup a model” pun used earlier in the advert it is trying to portray the image of being slim and loosing weight just by drinking (eating) this soup. It goes on to say “ open sachet, empty contents into mug and add boiling water. Then attach to lips and don’t dribble down your latest item of clothing.” This gives you basic instructions and adds a pun just so you don’t forget the joke behind the whole advert. The picture of the “slim a soup” box is surrounded by arrows trying to attract your attention to the main focus of the advert. You can also notice two arrows
Close together pointing at the “99% fat free” part of the advert just so your final thought of “slim a soup” is loosing weight and keeping the super model image.
Comparing differences and similarities:
These two adverts designed by “ Cup a soup” advertising “ Slim a soup” both have similar design ideas and both use the same idea to promote the product in slightly different ways. Although this product is advertised towards two different ages that have many similarities such as that both of the designs are done in a biro effect. If you go through the adverts you notice many similarities starting with the first line in both adverts the word “ Instant” is highlighted. Also the second line which in both adverts is the boldest has the main pun of the two adverts “Soup a Model” both underlined. The advert then continues with two steps the first step refers to super models in one way or another. In one lips and the other dress sizes, these two items referring to being a super model are also aimed at two different ages. The second point in both adverts refers to the soup “Slim a Soup” and gives basic directions to how to use the soup. Although these two adverts have the same ideas throughout and have a lot of similarities there are also many differences, which makes the two adverts stand out from each other such as the first two lines on each advert are done with different type faces and also in the first line the word “Instant” is highlighted in different ways one is in bolder type the other is boxed to add more emphasis. In the second line the tittle is underlined in both adverts but in different ways. For the next two points the typeface from the title is continued into the sub-titles but a smaller version. In point one in both adverts, although both of them are talking about being a super model they do it in two different ways, one focuses on having the perfect lips aimed at older teenagers or even younger women, and the other is about a black, size 6 garment aimed at older women. Finally the last points both talk about the soup, but one contains a pun about the garments of clothing talked about in one of the adverts.
I think these adverts work really well mainly due to them being so unconventional and that they attract you to look at them really well. The main pun “ Soup a Model” helps advertise “Slim a Soup ” really well as it portrays an image of everything the designers want you to think of “ Slim a Soup ” such as Weight loss, good looks and also that it is really stylish and that the likes of real models will be drinking “ Slim a Soup “ to loose weight. Also the fact that it is drawn in biro helps advertise it because doodling about yourself being a model on a piece of paper is something that a lot of women can relate to which in its self puts the on to a level of understanding women can easily relate to.
I think both these adverts are both really good and advertise “Slim a Soup” really well. I really like the pun “ Soup a Model” used throughout the two adverts it also tells us everything “Slim a Soup” is made out to be. I also like the picture of the lips I think it looks really good and it portray a good image in your mind. I don’t like the dress idea that much as there isn’t enough colour and makes the adverts look a little dull. I really like the fact that it is done in biro, as it is really different and unusual.
My own advert:
For this I will be using ideas from the two adverts I have been studying and design a similar one for an in-between age group of about 20-35. I will be keeping the layout and pun’s the same but change points 1 and 2 to fit my new age group.
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz