I briefly collected some data from the internet and magazines about child abuse to start my research, so I understood the extend of the problems and way to target my audience. Charities I researched included childline, NSPCC.
I began researching general charity campaigns and took into account my chosen target audience of adults, it was difficult choosing the age range as anybody could witness child abuse, but I am targeting it at 25-35 as the other parent could speak out, or friends of the parents.
For my preliminary research I am going to Internet search engines as large amount of help is available with many charities and organizations have websites.
I decided to do my campaign for child abuse as there is lots of information regarding bullying and abuse in the home, but not many entirely concentrate on child abuse. I felt it was an important issue and it needed awareness rising for it.
Advertising works by capturing the attention of the target audience with eye-catching images and catchy slogans. Advertising also plays on people's feelings of guilt, need, and insecurity by producing ideal worlds, making people feel that if they buy the product their lives will be better. I hope that my emotive images will create theses feelings and the viewer will want to help. Advertising is a way of conveying information to a wide range of people. Companies use adverts to sell their products. Campaign adverts use persuasive language to encourage people to support their campaign.
The final product will be a moving image, with this I want to use short sentences which have powerful meanings e.g. speak out for those who have no voice. I will also use lots of repetition to create effect and power so that the message is clearly reached. Using imagery of sad children will also play a large focus in my advert as it will be emotive for the viewer and hopefully will feel compiled to help. Also during the advert I will have music which will play behind the images as this also brings emotion and empathy. I will take all the images myself then edit and improve them with the software camedia.