My Shadow Day at Sacred Heart Academy
My Shadow Day at Sacred Heart Academy On Tuesday, October 2, 2007, I visited Sacred Heart Academy in Hamden, CT. I met Phoebe Wright, a freshman at Sacred Heart and an alumnus of St. Thomas Aquinas. I shadowed Phoebe AKA followed her around Sacred Heart for the day to see what the school, students, and teachers are like. The day before, I was excited and nervous. I was not sure what to expect. I wondered what high school would be like. Would the students be nice? Are the teachers nice? How big is the school? Do high school students receive a lot of homework? The morning of the visit, I was excited! I looked to make sure everything I was wearing looked neat. I wore a black cashmere turtleneck, gray wool skirt, black flats, and a string of pearls around my neck. I looked like a corporate professional. Once I arrived at Sacred Heart Academy, I went to the library to meet Phoebe. It was great to see her again. I knew I was going to have a great day! We hugged each other, and signed in and headed for homeroom. Once we said prayer, the day began. Phoebe had a study hall in the library for 1st period. During the study hall, I talked with some of the other freshman and had the opportunity to look around the school's library. It was brilliant! The number of books in the library was phenomenal! After 1st period, there was a school-wide break. This means, the
The impression that the British faced the Blitz with courage and unity is a myth
Assignment Two: Objectives 2 and 3 5. Study all Sources and use your own knowledge. The impression that the British faced the Blitz with courage and unity is a myth Use the sources and your own knowledge to explain whether you agree with this statement. The impression that the British faced the Blitz with courage and unity is a myth to some extent. The British government were justified in their concern of the courage and unity of the British people as when war was declared on September 1st 1939 Britain became involved in a new kind of warfare completely alien to the people of Britain, total warfare. The government's concern over the unity and courage of the British people was completely understandable, as victory in total war was dependent on the unification of the people. As Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister expressed in 1940, " The whole of the warring nations are engaged not only soldiers but the entire population men, women and children." For the first time not only would soldiers be involved in the war but ordinary civilians on the Home Front. It is said by many historians that the capacity to withstand bomb attack owed much to the "militarising" of civilians. With the outbreak of war, the Government began "Operation Pied Piper" in which thousands of children were evacuated from cities to the countryside. This was in order to try to ensure their safety
Day of the Triffids analysis
How has your understanding of the concept of 'new found lands' been extended by a comparative study of your two texts? The novel, The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham and the film, Alien directed by Ridley Scott, examine the concept of new found lands, by positioning the characters as well as us as the responders, into an unfamiliar world order where we are challenged to think beyond the confinement of our traditional boundaries. The new found lands are constructed within these texts not only through physical phenomena, but through self-analysis whereby a society is forced to reassess their own morals and ethics, and adapt both physically and emotionally to a new world. My understanding and perception of new found lands has been extended by considering notions including the effects of corporate greed on a society, the implications of over-experimentation with science, as well as the vulnerability of humans when confronted by superior forms. Juxtaposing the two texts through a range of filmic and literary techniques allow us to compare and contrast the issues presented by each text, concerning the impacts of new found land on both an individual and a community. The Day of the Triffids immediately places the reader into foreign surroundings, where the protagonist Bill Mason reflects on how he "came to miss the end of the world". Wyndham has used descriptive language through
Introductory visit child development
Introductory Visit Date of visit: 16th June 2007 Time of visit: 12.00pm First name of child to be studied: Harry Age of child at this visit to number of months: 2 yrs 3 months Child's Appearance Hair Colour: Blonde Eye Colour: Blue Eyes Harry is chubby, he looks like his father, he has long toes like his dad has he also has big hands. I think that he has similar features as his Father. Child's Personality He is a very happy child, he rarely cries. He loves attention as he has been brought up in a house with many people, so he is always centre of attention. He smiles and laughs whilst playing, and enjoys others playing with him. He is very nosey and likes to know what is going on at all times. He answers to his name when you call him, he loves it when you speak to him. He is a very sociable child. He loves going in the pushchair and watching cars and people walking past, he also loves to go in the car on a journey but usually ends up falling asleep. Home & Environment The house is very spacious and has had an extension built since the baby was born. It is a semi-detached house; they live with the Harry's mothers' parents. It has a very big garden. The father and mother are young parents, they're not married, they have only one child together and this is Harry. In the household they're 2 dogs and a cat, they are all love the Harry. The dogs are usually kept outside
Jo - creative writing.
JO. While Jo applied the black mascara to her sweeping lashes, her thoughts drifted back to that day one month ago. The day he took her into his amusement arcade, after he found her sleeping in the porch at the back entrance. He had clothed her, given her a job and the flat above the arcade to live in. She owed Mr Perhar a lot. He was Asian with strong features and deep brown eyes and a smile that would melt chocolate. Jo was smitten, the knowledge that he was in his forties didn't phase her at all. She understood that he was a powerful and busy man, in fact the first time she had seen him since that day was a week ago. He came to the arcade to check that his men emptied the money from the slot machines into the money bags, and not into their pockets. Mr. Perhar had complemented her on her appearance and how well she was doing. Jo revelling in the compliments, didn't mind being up all hours of the night, making drinks and seeing to the men; it was part of the job. When he asked her to have dinner with him in his office she felt her legs liquefy, the joy on her face was all the answer he needed. Jo stepped into the black dress she bought off the market, a simple sleeveless shift she hoped would make her look sophisticated. Her body tingled as the butterflies in her tummy fluttered furiously. She wound her long blond hair into a twist and clasped it loosely to the back of
Dress Codes in School
Matt Thomas Thomas 1 May 27, 2009 Mrs. Sarlo Eng1D0 Dress Codes In School Dress codes have been an issue lately in some schools. Most kids are against it but I believe that there should be dress codes in all schools. This would be a good idea because it would reduce violence and bullying, eliminate the problem of wearing hats or jackets and they are less expensive. If there were dress codes in school, it would eliminate violence and bullying. If there was a kid who liked to wear a different style of clothing then others, then he would probably get teased or maybe even get beaten up. Also, it reduces violence and makes students behave better because it makes everyone equal, bringing all of the students to the same level. "A dress code brings us together, like an athletic team. We're unified, we stand for the same things," said Bob Sanders, a teacher at Antioch Christian Academy in Oklahoma City. More kids would attend school because if they were all equal then no one really gets bullied. Lastly, gang members would not be able to wear their colours or symbols, which could reduce gang fights. Dress codes would also eliminate the problem of wearing hats or jackets in school. If teenagers wore jackets in school, you would not be able to tell if they were hiding something
Making a Coat Hook
PROJECT: - Making a Coat Hook THE HOOK This part had to be marked out very accurately. To mark out accurately I had to make one edge straight and then make one end straight and at exactly 90º to the straight edge. MAKING ONE LONG EDGE STRAIGHT METHOD Using a FILE and a RULER, I filed one long edge until it was as straight as the edge of the rule. HOLDING THE FILE DELICATE WORK FLAT FILING HEAVY FILING If there are any low spots the light will show through so that I can file the high spots. When the edge is straight no light shows through. SAFETY A FILE MUST NEVER BE USED WITHOUT A HANDLE. The end of the file that fits into the handle is called the TANG. If the file is used without the handle the tang can and will quite easily injure the wrist. As the handles are not very secure, perhaps an improvement would be to glue them in place. METHOD OF FILING TO GET A FLAT EDGE ARROWS SHOW DIRECTION OF CUT. MAKING ONE END SQUARE TO THE STRAIGHT EDGE METHOD Using an ENGINEERS SQUARE and a FILE I used a similar method to the straight edge except that instead of the ruler I placed the engineers square against the straight edge. The blade was used to look for the high and low points on the end. LIGHT SHOWS UP LOW SPOTS, WHEN AT 90 DEGREES AND FLAT, NO LIGHT SHOWS THROUGH ENGINEERS SQUARE WORKPIECE SAFETY Filing causes sharp edges which can cut hands. I
'Describe How the Travel and Tourism Industry Has Developed'
'Describe How the Travel and Tourism Industry Has Developed' Overview Throughout this assignment, I will partly describe how the travel & tourism industry has developed into one of the largest businesses in the world. There will be information on package holidays and the evolution of them, the types of travel agents in existence (i.e. multiples, miniples, independents), and the difference between leisure and business travel agents. Next, I will include a PowerPoint Presentation of how air travel has advanced, taken the most important changes into consideration. This will basically be from the introduction of the first turbo-jet propelled aircraft (the Comet 1), stretching right through to the present day with the two duopolies of the aviation industry (Boeing and Airbus), and a thorough assessment of them. To finish with, a shorter piece on how other forms of transport (like rail and sea) have changed in the last 50 or so years will be put into my work, with a precise account of each. Images will also be included in great demand. Package Holidays A package holiday is a convenient, money-saving option that enables customers to book their vacation without the need of separate suppliers (like transport and accommodation vendors), and is in turn, more hassle-free, both for the consumer and the tour operator (the company who organise the holiday and recommends it to a travel
Excellence and mediocrity
English Composition I Laura Walker Classification Mr. McGoran 27, August, 2009 In 2010 in the United States alone, 3.1 million students will receive a high school diploma. Typically these students fall into three categories, the "slacker", the "average Joe" and the "overachiever". The "slacker" has a tendency to sleep in class, arrive late and is rarely prepared. This student type will typically take advantage of other students' hard work and put it to their use. They are not known to study or prepare for tests due to the fact that they are oblivious in that area of their academics because of their reluctance to do so. This student probably has not even read a book since "The Cat in the Hat". "Slackers' do not apply themselves toward their education, typically because they are not interested in their courses. This student has abilities but refuses to use them simply because they are uninspired. These students try to submit as little effort as possible, usually because they would rather spend their time doing other things. Commonly things they should not be doing; thinking and scheming on creative excuses and scenarios for them not to be in class. Not to say a slacker is unintelligent, their successful attempts of dodging responsibilites only proves their capability of using complex ideas. The "average Joe" or "just get by" student is the category which the
How to be safe while using the internet
Social Networking on the Internet Many teens use the internet on a daily basis as a means of communicating with others. This widespread use of the internet has opened the door for online predators such as child molesters and drug dealers. Therefore, it is extremely important to take precautions to minimize how much personal information you share with others, especially people you do not know. Kids all over the world have been abducted by online predators and assaulted or sexually abused. You might not think this could happen to you, but on the other hand, those who this has happened to probably thought the same thing. I remember reading an article at school previously about a girl in New York who was talking to someone she had just met on Myspace. She thought this person was her age. Unfortunately, this person was not her age. He invited her to meet him at the back of the mall, which was somewhat isolated. When she arrived, he threw her in his car and raped her. This event could have been avoided if she would have just never accepted the friend request from a stranger. I personally have a Myspace page but I think it is safe as long as you take precautionary measures and use common sense. You should inform your parents or another trusted adult if you are asked too many questions online or if a conversation turns sexual or harassing. You really have to be careful